O 86: Ultrafast Surface Dynamics I
Donnerstag, 10. März 2016, 15:00–18:00, S052
15:00 |
O 86.1 |
Imaging ultrafast photo-induced dynamics in semiconducting polymer films with time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy — •Andreas Neff and Katrin Siefermann
15:15 |
O 86.2 |
Electron-lattice interactions in gold clusters and islands studied with ultrafast electron diffraction — •Thomas Vasileiadis, Dawn Wells, Lutz Waldecker, Roman Bertoni, Richard Palmer, and Ralph Ernstorfer
15:30 |
O 86.3 |
Non-thermal phonon distribution in out-of-equilibrium aluminium — •Lutz Waldecker, Roman Bertoni, Jan Vorberger, and Ralph Ernstorfer
15:45 |
O 86.4 |
Nonequilibrium electron dynamics in laser excited copper, silver and gold — •Sebastian Weber and Baerbel Rethfeld
16:00 |
O 86.5 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:15 |
O 86.6 |
Two-Photon Photoemission on ultrathin CoO films — •Mathias Albrecht, Konrad Gillmeister, Cheng-Tien Chiang, and Wolf Widdra
16:30 |
O 86.7 |
Hot electron-spin gas drives ultrafast spin density wave transition in Cr — •Chris Nicholson, Claude Monney, Robert Carley, John Bowlan, Björn Frietsch, Martin Weinelt, and Martin Wolf
16:45 |
O 86.8 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
O 86.9 |
Femtosecond time-resolved photoemission of the photo-induced valence transition in YbInCu4 — •Florian Diekmann, Lars-Philip Oloff, Kerstin Hanff, Michael Bauer, and Kai Rossnagel
17:15 |
O 86.10 |
Transient band gap enhancement of the photoexcited excitonic insulator phase in quasi-1D Ta2NiSe5 — •Selene Mor, Marc Herzog, Claude Monney, Martin Wolf, and Julia Staehler
17:30 |
O 86.11 |
Tracing thermal and nonthermal phase transition by pump-probe schemes. Part I: material behavior under irradiation — •Nikita Medvedev, Victor Tkachenko, and Beata Ziaja
17:45 |
O 86.12 |
Tracing thermal and nonthermal phase transitions in solids with pump-probe scheme. Part II: Response of optical properties — •Victor Tkachenko, Nikita Medvedev, and Beata Ziaja