10:30 |
O 9.1 |
Fabrication of nanostructures on thin organic layers by Focused Electron Beam Induced Processing — •Martin Drost, Fan Tu, Florian Vollnhals, Imre Szenti, Janos Kiss, Hans-Peter Steinrück, and Hubertus Marbach
10:45 |
O 9.2 |
Nanostructures fabricated via Focused X-ray Beam Induced Deposition (FXBID) — •Fan Tu, Martin Drost, Florian Vollnhals, Andreas Späth, Krick Calderon Sandra, Rainer H. Fink, Hans-Peter Steinrück, and Hubertus Marbach
11:00 |
O 9.3 |
Vertically aligned MWCNTs on glassy carbon: A nanostructured all carbon electrode — •Eser Metin Akinoglu, Ömer Akay, and Michael Giersig
11:15 |
O 9.4 |
Correlation of scanning x-ray microscopy and HRTEM measurements of carbon nanomaterials — •Fabian Fritz, Rasmus Westerström, Lothar Houben, Martina Luysberg, Alexey A. Popov, Claus M. Schneider, and Carola Meyer
11:30 |
O 9.5 |
Covalent or organometallic networks? A comparative study of a dibromo-diiodo-pyrene derivate on Ag(111) vs. Au (111) by XPS, NEXAFS, and STM — •Matthias Lischka, Johanna Eichhorn, Massimo Fritton, Thomas Strunskus, Vijay Vyas, Wolfgang M. Heckl, and Markus Lackinger
11:45 |
O 9.6 |
Probing reactive metal atoms on functionalized surfaces by porphyrin metalation — Jan Nowakowski, Sylwia Nowakowska, Gitika Srivastava, •Milos Baljozovic, Jan Girovsky, Nirmalya Ballav, and Thomas A. Jung
12:00 |
O 9.7 |
Controlled creation and imaging of quantum states of dangling bond structures on H-terminated Si(001) — •Asif M Suleman, Kian A Rahnejat, Cyrus F Hirjibehedin, Neil J Curson, Gabriel Aeppli, David R Bowler, and Steven R Schofield
12:15 |
O 9.8 |
Interaction of dangling bond bound states on boron passivated Si(111) — •Manuel Siegl
12:30 |
O 9.9 |
Morphology and Environment dependent Luminescence of Dye Aggregates — •Mohammadreza Bahrami, Sven Kraft, Tamam Bohamud, Kai Wardelmann, Björn Vogler, Johannes A.A.W. Elemans, Ingo Barke, and Sylvia Speller