O 90: Topological Insulators I
Donnerstag, 10. März 2016, 14:45–17:15, H10
14:45 |
O 90.1 |
Topological Dirac Semimetal in strained HgTe — •Tomáš Rauch, Steven Achilles, Jürgen Henk, and Ingrid Mertig
15:00 |
O 90.2 |
Tight-Binding Approach towards an Effective Model for InAs/GaSb Quantum Wells — •Matthias Sitte, Karin Everschor-Sitte, and Allan MacDonald
15:15 |
O 90.3 |
Negative Magnetoresistance of TlBixSb1−xTe2 — •Oliver Breunig, Zhiwei Wang, Fan Yang, Alexey Taskin, and Yoichi Ando
15:30 |
O 90.4 |
Landau level spectroscopy of the 3D topological insulator Sb2 Te3 — •Stefan Wilfert, Oliver Storz, Paolo Sessi, Thomas Bathon, Konstantin Kokh, Oleg Evgen’evich Tereshchenko, and Matthias Bode
15:45 |
30 min. Coffee Break
16:15 |
O 90.5 |
Aharonov-Bohm effect in the 3D topological insulator HgTe — •Johannes Ziegler, Dmitriy Kozlov, Dmitry Kvon, Nikolay Mikhailov, Sergey Dvoretsky, and Dieter Weiss
16:30 |
O 90.6 |
Emergence of quantum spin Hall and half-topological states at Graphene/TMDC heterostructures — •Denis Kochan, Martin Gmitra, Petra Högl, and Jaroslav Fabian
16:45 |
O 90.7 |
Chiral Magnetic Effect in an Interacting Weyl Semimetal — •Matthias Puhr, Semen Valgushev, and Pavel Buividovich
17:00 |
O 90.8 |
Negative magneto-resistivity in finite-size samples of Weyl semimetals — Pavel Buividovich, Matthias Puhr, and •Semen Valgushev