10:30 |
O 95.1 |
Graphene tunable transparency to tunneling electrons: A direct tool to measure the local coupling. — •Héctor González Herrero, Antonio Javier Martínez Galera, Miguel Moreno Ugeda, Delia Fernández Torre, Pablo Pou, Rubén Pérez, José María Gómez Rodríguez, and Iván Brihuega
10:45 |
O 95.2 |
Excitons and the XNLD of higly oriented pyrolytic graphite and graphene - theory and experiment — •Dominik Legut, Robert Laskowski, Peter M. Oppeneer, Christine Jansing, Markus Gilbert, Andreas Gaupp, Hans-Christoph Mertins, Andrey Sokolov, Suk-Ho Choi, Hud Wahab, and Heiko Timmers
11:00 |
O 95.3 |
Direct measurement of chiral symmetry breaking in strained graphene by STM — Alexander Georgi, •Peter Nemes-Incze, Ramon Carillo-Bastos, Martin Schneider, Dinesh Subramaninam, Torge Mashoff, Daiara Faria, Silvia Viola Kusminskiy, Dawei Zhai, Marcus Liebmann, Marco Pratzer, Ludger Wirtz, Nancy Sandler, and Markus Morgenstern
11:15 |
O 95.4 |
Layer symmetry breaking field and conductivity in graphene twist bilayer — •Nicolas Ray, Sam Shallcross, and Oleg Pankratov
11:30 |
O 95.5 |
How partial dislocations may make bilayer graphene both an insulator and a conductor — Heiko Weber and •Sam Shallcross
11:45 |
O 95.6 |
Electronic structure of partial dislocations in bilayer graphene — •Dominik Weckbecker and Sam Shallcross
12:00 |
O 95.7 |
Deformation in graphene and few layer graphenes: interlayer gauge fields and optical deformations — •Nicolas Ray, Fabian Rost, Reena Gupta, Sangeeta Sharma, Oleg Pankratov, and Sam Shallcross
12:15 |
O 95.8 |
Substrate nanofacets as a stamp for graphene charge carrier modulations — •Jan Honolka, Martin Vondracek, Ladislav Fekete, Jaromir Kopecek, Jan Lancok, Dipankar Kalita, Johann Coraux, and Vincent Bouchiat
12:30 |
O 95.9 |
Fermi surface nesting in the graphene twist bilayer — Maximilian Fleischmann, Dominik Weckbecker, Nicolas Ray, Oleg Pankratov, and •Sam Shallcross
12:45 |
O 95.10 |
Force-induced dynamic STM mapping and picking of freestanding graphene membranes — •Bernd Uder, Wolf-Rüdiger Hannes, and Uwe Hartmann