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SOE: Fachverband Physik sozio-ökonomischer Systeme
SOE 7: Poster
SOE 7.1: Poster
Montag, 7. März 2016, 18:00–20:00, Poster B1
A Geonomic Reflection (Globalistics/Geonomics/Energetics) — •Stephen I. Ternyik — POB. 201 82043 Munich
A human social economy is, in historical and empirical terms, an evolving energy transduction system, i.e. there exists physically a cybernetic circuit of natural input---economic conversion---social output---financial transaction. Since 1989, we can observe a rapidly growing world exchange of natural resources and economic values in the global monetary economy. According to the geonomic calculation model, the following formula is used in the scientific discourse (Production/minus/Rent=Wages/plus/Interest; P-R=W+I); the (neo)classical model reads P=R+W+I. The geo-economic point of view is marked by the physical fact (Land Value) that the access to natural resources ( about the production/distribution of wealth, income and assets, i.e. the land monopoly on natural resources is reinforced by the monetary monopoly of private commercial banking (the inter-changeability of unlimited fiat money with limited natural resources of the earth; taxation remains focused on W and I, not on R). These artificial imbalances in economic book-keeping/accounting of human-nature-interaction have lead to globally unsustainable economic practices of production and exchange, i.e. the total costs of these accounting models are outnumbering the real global benefits, in terms of socio-economic and eco-logical consequences. An economic course correction can be achieved via the application of geonomic thought.