Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 64: Correlated Electrons: Nonequilibrium Quantum Many-Body Systems 1
TT 64.4: Talk
Thursday, March 10, 2016, 10:15–10:30, H22
Stroboscopic prethermalization in weakly interacting periodically driven systems — Elena Canovi1, •Marcus Kollar2, and Martin Eckstein1 — 1Max Planck Research Department for Structural Dynamics, University of Hamburg-CFEL — 2Theoretical Physics III, Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, University of Augsburg
Time-periodic driving provides a promising route to engineer non-trivial states in quantum many-body systems. However, while it has been shown that the dynamics of integrable systems can synchronize with the driving into a non-trivial periodic motion, generic non-integrable systems are expected to heat up until they display a trivial infinite-temperature behavior. Here we show that a quasi-periodic time evolution over many periods can also emerge in systems with weak integrability breaking, with a clear separation of the timescales for synchronization and the eventual approach of the infinite-temperature state [1]. This behavior is the analogue of prethermalization in quenched systems. The synchronized state can be described using a macroscopic number of approximate constants of motion. We corroborate these findings with numerical simulations for the driven Hubbard model.
E. Canovi, M. Kollar, M. Eckstein, arXiv:1507.00991