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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 78: Correlated Electrons: Poster Session
TT 78.14: Poster
Donnerstag, 10. März 2016, 15:00–18:30, Poster D
Doping studies in hexagonal A2IrO3 — •Ina-Marie Pietsch, Friedrich Freund, and Philipp Gegenwart — Zentrum für Elektronische Korrelationen und Magnetismus, Universität Augsburg, 86159 Augsburg, Germany
Hexagonal iridates A2IrO3 (A=Na or Li) are spin-orbit Mott insulators and candidate materials for the realization of the highly anisotropic bonding dependent Kitaev magnetic exchange [1]. However, details of the magnetic properties sensitively depend on the balance of various parameters such as bandwidth, Coulomb repulsion, spin-orbit coupling and the trigonal distortion of the IrO6 octahedron. A partial substitution of Na by smaller Li as well as the partial magnetic depletion for A2IrO3 materials provides experimental input on the evolution of magnetic properties [2,3]. Based upon the previous results, a new series of doped A2IrO3 materials (including hyperhoneycomb β-Li2IrO3 [4]) is synthesized, characterized and magnetically investigated using SQUID magnetometry.
[1] Y. Singh et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 127203 (2012).
[2] S. Manni et al., Phys. Rev. B 89, 241103 (2014).
[3] S. Manni et al., Phys. Rev. B 89, 241102(R) (2014).
[4] A. Biffin et al., Phys. Rev. B 90, 205116 (2014).