Regensburg 2016 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 78: Correlated Electrons: Poster Session
TT 78.24: Poster
Thursday, March 10, 2016, 15:00–18:30, Poster D
Spin Dynamics in the Strongly Magnetically Frustrated Compounds YBaCo3AlO7 and YBaCo3FeO7 Probed by NMR and ESR Spectroscopy — •Margarita Iakovleva1,2,4, Julian Zeisner1,2, Martin Valldor3, Evgeniia Vavilova4, Hans-Joachim Grafe1, Stephan Zimmermann1,2, Alexey Alfonsov1, Vladislav Kataev1, and Bernd Büchner1,2 — 1IFW Dresden, Dresden, Germany — 2TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany — 3Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Dresden, Germany — 4E. K. Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan, Russia
In the Swedenborgite type compounds YBaCo3AlO7 and YBaCo3FeO7 the magnetic lattice can be described as a stacking of kagome layers, where unconventional ground states such as a spin liquid state can be expected due to the strong geometrical frustration. We performed a combined experimental study of magnetic properties of single crystals of YBaCo3AlO7 and YBaCo3FeO7 with high field ESR and high field NMR spectroscopy. The experimental results show the occurrence of short-range quasi static electron spin correlations at T* ≈ 22 K for YBaCo3AlO7 and T* ≈ 60K for YBaCo3FeO7 but not a long-range antiferromagnetic order. We compare our results with AC and DC susceptibility measurements and discuss a possible competition between a spin glass-like state due to intrinsic structural disorder and a spin liquid state arising from strong magnetic frustration in this materials.