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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 78: Correlated Electrons: Poster Session
TT 78.8: Poster
Donnerstag, 10. März 2016, 15:00–18:30, Poster D
Tuning ZrFe4Si2 by Ge and Y substitution — •Katharina Weber1,2, Nandang Mufti1, Til Goltz2, Theo Woike3, Hans-Henning Klauß2, Christoph Bergmann1, Helge Rosner1, and Christoph Geibel1 — 1Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany — 2Institute of Solid State Physics, TU Dresden, Germany — 3Institute for Structural Physics, TU Dresden, Germany
The intermetallic compound series AFe4X2 (A = Y, Lu, Zr; X = Si, Ge) presents a rare case of magnetic frustrated metallic systems. In particular ZrFe4Si2 is of strong interest because our results indicate this system to be very close to a quantum critical point (QCP) where Fe magnetic order disappears. To get a deeper insight into its ground state, we performed a detailed study of Ge and Y substituted ZrFe4Si2. The isovalent substitution of Ge for Si induces a negative chemical pressure as Ge is larger than Si. As expected from this, the substitution results in the formation of a well-defined antiferromagnetic order with Néel temperatures increasing up to 25 K at 40 % Ge. This confirms ZrFe4Si2 to be extremely close to the QCP, just on the magnetic side of it. With the second substitution series YxZr1−xFe4Si2 we investigate the development from the highly reduced antiferromagnetic order in ZrFe4Si2 towards the two magnetic transitions at 56 K and 76 K, which we see in YFe4Si2.