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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 82: Correlated Electrons: Nonequilibrium Quantum Many-Body Systems 2
TT 82.1: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 10. März 2016, 16:30–16:45, H22
Dynamical Cooper pairing in non-equilibrium electron-phonon systems — •Michael Knap1,2, Mehrtash Babadi3, Gil Refael3, Ivar Martin4, and Eugene Demler2 — 1Technical University of Munich — 2Harvard University — 3Caltech — 4Argonne National Laboratory
Ultrafast laser pulses have been used to manipulate complex quantum materials and to induce dynamical phase transitions. One of the most striking examples is the transient enhancement of superconductivity in several classes of materials upon irradiating them with high intensity pulses of terahertz light. Motivated by these experiments we analyze the Cooper pairing instabilities in non-equilibrium electron-phonon systems. We demonstrate that the light induced non-equilibrium state of phonons results in a simultaneous increase of the superconducting coupling constant and the electron scattering. We analyze the competition between these effects and show that in a broad range of parameters the dynamic enhancement of Cooper pair formation dominates over the increase in the scattering rate. This opens the possibility of transient light induced superconductivity at temperatures that are considerably higher than the equilibrium transition temperatures. Our results pave new pathways for engineering high-temperature light-induced superconducting states.