Bremen 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
EP 3: Astrophysik
Montag, 13. März 2017, 16:30–18:30, GW2 B2880
16:30 |
EP 3.1 |
Proton and Helium Injection Into First Order Fermi Acceleration at Shocks: Hybrid Simulation and Analysis — •Adrian Hanusch, Mikhail Malkov, and Tatyana Liseykina
16:45 |
EP 3.2 |
HAWC High Energy Upgrade with a Sparse Array — •Vikas Joshi
17:00 |
EP 3.3 |
Astrophysikalische MHD-Schockstrukturen am Beispiel von λ Cephei — •Lennart Robin Baalmann
17:15 |
EP 3.4 |
An improved analytical model of the local interstellar magnetic field: The extension to compressibility — •Jens Kleimann, Christian Röken, and Horst Fichtner
17:30 |
EP 3.5 |
Linear Disturbances in the Local Interstellar Medium: The Plasma-Gas Interaction in the Two-Fluid Approximation — •Lukas Westrich
17:45 |
EP 3.6 |
What matter(s) at the Event Horizon? Radio Interferometry at highest resolution — •Silke Britzen, Anton Zensus, Christian Fendt, Andreas Eckart, and Vladimir Karas
18:00 |
EP 3.7 |
Validierung des Flussmodells zur Charakterisierung der Strahlungsumgebung im interplanetaren Raum anhand aktueller Rosetta-Daten — •Vanessa Wyrwoll, Sascha Lüdeke, Hugh Evans und Björn Poppe
18:15 |
EP 3.8 |
Response Functions to High Energetic Particle Radiation of the Standard Radiation Monitor (SREM) On-board the Rosetta Mission — •Sascha Lüdeke, Vanessa Wyrwoll, Hugh Evans, and Björn Poppe