Bremen 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
EP 4: Sonne und Heliosphäre I
Dienstag, 14. März 2017, 14:00–16:00, GW2 B2880
14:00 |
EP 4.1 |
A new view of the solar atmosphere through IRIS — •Hardi Peter
14:30 |
EP 4.2 |
SCIAMACHY Solar Reference Spectrum — •Tina Hilbig, Klaus Bramstedt, Mark Weber, Matthijs Krijger, Ralph Snel, and John P. Burrows
14:45 |
EP 4.3 |
Nonlinear force-free coronal magnetic stereoscopy — •Iulia Chifu, Thomas Wiegelmann, and Bernd Inhester
15:00 |
EP 4.4 |
Coronal active region modelling based on SDO data — •Stephan Barra
15:15 |
EP 4.5 |
Current filamentation induced by 3D plasma flows in the solar corona — •Dieter Nickeler, Thomas Wiegelmann, Marian Karlicky, and Michaela Kraus
15:30 |
EP 4.6 |
Semi-Analytical Calculation of Interplanetary Magnetic Field Configurations — •Sophie Aerdker
15:45 |
EP 4.7 |
An empirical model to describe the modulation of galactic cosmic rays close to Earth — Jan Gieseler, •Bernd Heber, Konstantin Herbst, and Patrick Kühl