Bremen 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
EP 7: Sonne und Heliosphäre II
Mittwoch, 15. März 2017, 08:30–10:30, GW2 B2880
08:30 |
EP 7.1 |
Observations of the Sun with the novel radio telescope LOFAR — •Gottfried Mann
09:00 |
EP 7.2 |
Solar Energetic Particle Events with Protons above 500 MeV between 1995 and 2015 Measured with SOHO/EPHIN — Patrick Kühl, Nina Dresing, •Bernd Heber, and Andreas Klassen
09:15 |
EP 7.3 |
A generalized two-component model of solar wind turbulence — •Horst Fichtner, Tobias Wiengarten, Sean Oughton, Eugene Engelbrecht, Jens Kleimann, and Klaus Scherer
09:30 |
EP 7.4 |
The uncertainty of local background magnetic field orientation in anisotropic plasma turbulence — •Felix Gerick, Joachim Saur, and Michael von Papen
09:45 |
EP 7.5 |
Model for Reduced Power Spectra of Critically Balanced Solar Wind Turbulence with Damping by Kinetic Alfvén Waves — •Anne Schreiner, Joachim Saur, Michael von Papen, Olga Alexandrova, and Catherine Lacombe
10:00 |
EP 7.6 |
The role of electron-scale turbulence in 3D guide field magnetic reconnection — •Patricio Muñoz and Jörg Büchner
10:15 |
EP 7.7 |
How hot is the heliosheath? — •Klaus Scherer, Hans-Jörg Fahr, Horst Fichtner, Adama Sylla, and John Richardson