Bremen 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 1: Plasma Diagnostics I
Montag, 13. März 2017, 08:30–10:15, HS 2010
08:30 |
P 1.1 |
Using Fullwave Simulations to Understand the Turbulent Wavenumber Spectrum Measured by Doppler Reflectometry — •Carsten Lechte, Garrard Conway, Tobias Görler, Tim Happel, Carolin Tröster-Schmid, and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
09:00 |
P 1.2 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
09:15 |
P 1.3 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
09:30 |
P 1.4 |
Kinetic Investigation of Ideal Multipole Resonance Probe — •Junbo Gong, Sebastian Wilczek, Jens Oberrath, Denis Eremin, Michael Friedrichs, and Ralf Peter Brinkmann
09:45 |
P 1.5 |
Evaluation of new faraday probe designs employing RF ion sources and ion thrusters — •Maximilian Quaas, Frank Scholze, Ronny Woyciechowski, Christoph Eichhorn, Carsten Bundesmann, and Daniel Spemann
10:00 |
P 1.6 |
A simple equation for curling probe plasma diagnostics — •Ali Arshadi and Ralf Peter Brinkmann