Bremen 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 17: Dusty Plasmas II
Mittwoch, 15. März 2017, 08:30–10:25, HS 2010
08:30 |
P 17.1 |
PK-4 - Complex Plasmas under Microgravity — •Markus Thoma
09:00 |
P 17.2 |
Multiple Camera Diagnostics of 3D Particle Motion in Dusty Plasmas — •Michael Himpel and André Melzer
09:25 |
P 17.3 |
Plasma Parameter Control for Complex Plasma Experiments — •Christina A. Knapek, Peter Huber, Daniel P. Mohr, Erich Zähringer, and Hubertus M. Thomas
09:40 |
P 17.4 |
In situ analysis of optically thick nanoparticle clouds — •Florian Kirchschlager, Sebastian Groth, Sebastian Wolf, and Franko Greiner
09:55 |
P 17.5 |
Investigations of size dynamics of nanodust clouds by means of imaging Mie diagnostics — •Sebastian Groth, Franko Greiner, Benjamin Tadsen, and Alexander Piel
10:10 |
P 17.6 |
Characterization of Dusty Plasmas in a Magnetic Field — •Benjamin Tadsen, Franko Greiner, and Alexander Piel