Bremen 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 19: Plasma Diagnostics IV
Mittwoch, 15. März 2017, 15:00–16:15, HS 1010
15:00 |
P 19.1 |
Investigation of the self-modulation seeding by a short electron bunch within a long proton bunch — •Mathias Julius Hüther
15:15 |
P 19.2 |
Classical spin dynamics of electrons in strong electromagnetic fields — •Meng Wen, Heiko Bauke, and Christoph H. Keitel
15:30 |
P 19.3 |
Highly efficient source of Kα radiation driven by relativistic interaction of mid-infrared laser pulses with nanostructured solid targets — •Zhanna Samsonova, Sebastian Höfer, Ingo Uschmann, Vural Kaymak, Skirmantas Ališauskas, Audrius Pugžlys, Lukas Trefflich, Carsten Ronning, Alexander Pukhov, Andruis Baltuška, Eckhart Förster, Christian Spielmann, and Daniil Kartashov
15:45 |
P 19.4 |
Development of an active bremsstrahlung detector for ultra-intense laser-plasma experiments — •Maria Molodtsova, Anna Ferrari, Alejandro Laso Garcia, Manfred Sobiella, Daniel Stach, David Weinberger, and Thomas Cowan
16:00 |
P 19.5 |
A New Scheme for High Intensity Laser-Driven Electron Acceleration in a Plasma — •S.P. Sadykova and A.A. Rukhadze