Bremen 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 27: Low Temperature Plasmas
Donnerstag, 16. März 2017, 14:00–16:00, HS 2010
14:00 |
P 27.1 |
High Rate MW_PECVD of SiOx and ZnO protective coatings on polycarbonate — •Stefan Merli
14:30 |
P 27.2 |
ERO modelling of surface morphology effect on metal erosion — •Alina Eksaeva, Dmitry Borodin, Arkadi Kreter, Daisuke Nishijima, Albrecht Pospieszczyk, Tobias Schlummer, Bernhard Unterberg, Stephan Ertmer, Andreas Kirschner, Juri Romazanov, Sebastijan Brezinsek, and Evgeny Marenkov
14:45 |
P 27.3 |
Coupling mechanisms in inductive discharges with RF substrate bias driven at consecutive harmonics with adjustable relative phase — •Birk Berger, Thomas Steinberger, Mark Koepke, Thomas Mussenbrock, and Julian Schulze
15:10 |
P 27.4 |
Striations in electronegative capacitively coupled radio frequency plasmas — •Julian Schulze, Yong-Xin Liu, Edmund Schüngel, Ihor Korolov, You-Nian Wang, and Zoltan Donko
15:35 |
P 27.5 |
Radiale Entwicklung des Streamerdurchbruchs in gepulsten, dielektrisch behinderten Entladungen — •Hans Höft und Manfred Kettlitz