Bremen 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 3: Dusty Plasmas I
Montag, 13. März 2017, 14:00–15:55, HS 1010
14:00 |
P 3.1 |
Numerical studies of plasma-object interactions — •Wojciech Miloch
14:30 |
P 3.2 |
Structure and properties of two-dimensional binary mixtures — •Frank Wieben and Dietmar Block
14:55 |
P 3.3 |
Fine structure of a Mach cone in a zero gravity, 3d complex plasma system — •Erich Zaehringer, Mierk Schwabe, Sergey Zhdanov, Christina A. Knapek, Daniel P. Mohr, Peter Huber, and Hubertus M. Thomas
15:10 |
P 3.4 |
A Machine-Learning Method for Plasma Crystal Analysis — •Christopher Dietz, Tobias Kretz, and Markus Thoma
15:25 |
P 3.5 |
In Operando Size Measurements of Single Microparticles in Plasmas — •Oguz Han Asnaz, Hendrik Jung, Franko Greiner, and Alexander Piel
15:40 |
P 3.6 |
Single Dust Particles in a Magnetized Plasma: Stability, Charging and Interaction — •Hendrik Jung, Franko Greiner, and Alexander Piel