Bremen 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
UP 14: Atmosphäre - Aerosole/Wolken
Donnerstag, 16. März 2017, 14:30–16:15, GW2 B3009
14:30 |
UP 14.1 |
Cloud top pressure retrieval from MERIS and OLCI: Global assessment — •Jürgen Fischer, Ulrich Küster, Cintia Carbajal, and Rene Preusker
15:00 |
UP 14.2 |
Polarized inelastic scattering by ice clouds and dust aerosols for Sentinel-4 — •Luca Lelli, Vladimir Rozanov, Marco Vountas, and John Burrows
15:15 |
UP 14.3 |
Characterization of optically-trapped submicron aerosol particles by ultraviolet broadband light scattering — •Kivanc Esat, Gregory David, Irina Ritsch, and Ruth Signorell
15:30 |
UP 14.4 |
Desert dust outbreaks near West-Africa observed from space — •Abram Sanders, Luca Lelli, Pepijn Veefkind, Johan De Haan, Marco Vountas, and John Burrows
15:45 |
Kaffeepause (30 min)