18:30 |
AKBP 6.1 |
Laser and Electron Diagnostics at the LUX Beamline — •Christian Markus Werle, Niels Matthias Delbos, Paul Winkler, Vincent Leroux, Manuel Kirchen, Soeren Jalas, Phillip Messner, Spencer Jolly, Maximilian Trunk, Matthias Schnepp, and Andreas Richard Maier
18:30 |
AKBP 6.2 |
The applicability of dielectric laser accelerators as an ultrashort microbeam radiation source for single-cell experiments — •Anna Mittelbach, Joshua McNeur, Martin Kozák, Johannes Illmer, Anna A. Friedl, Luitpold Distel, and Peter Hommelhoff
18:30 |
AKBP 6.3 |
Enhancing atomic physics modeling in PIConGPU — •Marco Garten, Axel Huebl, Heiko Burau, Alexander Grund, René Widera, Thomas Kluge, and Michael Bussmann
18:30 |
AKBP 6.4 |
Magnesium photocathodes in superconducting RF photoelectron injectors — •Jochen Teichert, André Arnold, Pengnan Lu, Petr Murcek, Hannes Vennekate, and Rong Xiang
18:30 |
AKBP 6.5 |
Development of a cryogenic GaAs DC photo-gun for high-current applications* — •Simon Weih, Joachim Enders, Martin Espig, Yuliya Fritzsche, Neeraj Kurichiyanil, and Markus Wagner
18:30 |
AKBP 6.6 |
Development of an SRF Cavity for the S-DALINAC Injector* — •Dmitry Bazyl, Wolfgang F.O. Müller, and Herbert De Gersem
18:30 |
AKBP 6.7 |
Status of the beam dynamics design of the new post-stripper DTL for GSI-FAIR — •Anna Rubin, Lars Groening, Sascha Mickat, Xiaonan Du, and Michael Kaiser
18:30 |
AKBP 6.8 |
Alvarez DTL Cavity Design for the UNLAC Upgrade — •Xiaonan Du, Lars Groening, Sacha Micakt, and Anja Seibel
18:30 |
AKBP 6.9 |
Numerical Investigation of Multi-Cavity Superconducting Radio-Frequency Resonators — •Johann Heller, Thomas Flisgen, Tomasz Galek, and Ursula van Rienen
18:30 |
AKBP 6.10 |
Cavity design study for the Higgs operation mode of the FCC-ee — •shahnam gorgi zadeh, rama calaga, frank gerigk, and ursula van rienen
18:30 |
AKBP 6.11 |
Unidentified Falling Objects (UFOs) in the LHC to be identified — •Laura Grob
18:30 |
AKBP 6.12 |
Overview over the experimental progress of the dechirper planned at ELBE — •Franziska Reimann, Ursula van Rienen, Peter Michel, and Ulf Lehnert
18:30 |
AKBP 6.13 |
Solid State Physics at ISOLDE — •Juliana Schell and Doru C. Lupascu
18:30 |
AKBP 6.14 |
Untersuchungen zur langsamen Extraktion am Marburger Ionenstrahl-Therapiezentrum — •Claude Krantz, Benno Kröck, Sven Sievers, Uwe Scheeler, Andreas Peters und Thomas Haberer
18:30 |
AKBP 6.15 |
A compact and calibrateable von-Hamos X-Ray Spectrometer based on full-cylindrical HAPG mosaic crystals — •Malte Wansleben, Ina Holfelder, Jan Weser, and Burkhard Beckhoff