09:30 |
AKBP 7.1 |
Numerical Simulations on the Effect of Broadband Microbunching on the Radiation Spectra of Short Undulators — •Paul Volz and Atoosa Meseck
09:45 |
AKBP 7.2 |
Transverse resonant island buckets and their implementation at BESSY II as a bunch seperation scheme — •Felix Kramer, Paul Goslawski, Andreas Jankowiak, and Markus Ries
10:00 |
AKBP 7.3 |
Time-resolved energy spread studies at the ANKA storage ring — •Benjamin Kehrer, Edmund Blomley, Miriam Brosi, Erik Bründermann, Nicole Hiller, Michael J. Nasse, Manuel Schedler, Patrik Schönfeldt, Marcel Schuh, Paul Schütze, Markus Schwarz, Nigel J. Smale, Johannes L. Steinmann, and Anke-Susanne Müller
10:15 |
AKBP 7.4 |
Ultrashort VUV Synchrotron Radiation Pulses at DELTA — •M. Suski, F.H. Bahnsen, M. Bolsinger, B. Büsing, S. Cramm, S. Döring, M. Gehlmann, F. Götz, S. Hilbrich, S. Khan, M. Jebramcik, N.M. Lockman, C. Mai, A. Meyer auf der Heide, R. Niemczyk, M. Plötzing, L. Plucinski, B. Riemann, G. Shayeganrad, P. Ungelenk, S. Xiao, U. Bovensiepen, and C.M. Schneider
10:30 |
AKBP 7.5 |
Self-consistently modeling Traveling-Wave Thomson-Scattering Optical Free-Electron Lasers — •Alexander Debus, Richard Pausch, Klaus Steiniger, Daniel Albach, Markus Loeser, Ulrich Schramm, Mathias Siebold, and Michael Bussmann
10:45 |
AKBP 7.6 |
Design of Optical Setups for High-Yield Optical Undulators in the Traveling-Wave Thomson-Scattering geometry — •Klaus Steiniger, Daniel Albach, Alexander Debus, Markus Loeser, Richard Pausch, Fabian Roeser, Ulrich Schramm, Matthias Siebold, and Michael Bussmann
11:00 |
15 min. break
11:15 |
AKBP 7.7 |
Diagnostics of laser-induced THz radiation at DELTA — •Carsten Mai, Fin Hendrik Bahnsen, Max Bolsinger, Benedikt Büsing, Fabian Götz, Svenja Hilbrich, Shaukat Khan, Marc Andre Jebramcik, Nils Maris Lockmann, Arne Meyer auf der Heide, Raffael Niemczyk, Bernard Riemann, Gholamreza Shayeganrad, Mateusz Suski, Peter Ungelenk, and Dennis Zimmermann
11:30 |
AKBP 7.8 |
Studies of the micro-bunching instability in multi-bunch operation at the ANKA storage ring — •Miriam Brosi, Edmund Blomley, Erik Bründermann, Michele Caselle, Benjamin Kehrer, Andreas Kopmann, Florian Rämisch, Lorenzo Rota, Manuel Schedler, Patrik Schönfeldt, Marcel Schuh, Markus Schwarz, Johannes L. Steinmann, Marc Weber, and Anke-Susanne Müller
11:45 |
AKBP 7.9 |
Comprehensive Analysis of Micro-Structure Dynamics in Longitudinal Profiles — •Tobias Boltz, Miriam Brosi, Erik Bründermann, Florian Rämisch, Patrik Schönfeldt, Markus Schwarz, Minjie Yan, and Anke-Susanne Müller
12:00 |
AKBP 7.10 |
Progress of the EEHG upgrade at the DELTA short-pulse source — •Benedikt Büsing, Fin Hendrik Bahnsen, Max Bolsinger, Fabian Götz, Svenja Hilbrich, Shaukat Khan, Marc Jebramcik, Nils Lockman, Carsten Mai, Arne Meyer auf der Heide, Raffael Niemczyk, Bernard Riemann, Eric Schneider, Gholamreza Shayeganrad, Mateusz Suski, Peter Ungelenk, and Dennis Zimmermann
12:15 |
AKBP 7.11 |
Investigation of the laser-plasma interaction with the method of small- angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) at an XFEL — •Melanie Rödel, Alexander Pelka, Thomas Kluge, Alejandro Laso Garcia, Emma McBride, Christian Rödel, Irene Prencipe, Nicholas Hartley, Dominik Kraus, Christian Gutt, Ulrich Schramm, and Thomas Cowan
12:30 |
AKBP 7.12 |
Predicting SAXS images beyond single scattering — •Marco Garten, Alexander Grund, Axel Huebl, Heiko Burau, René Widera, Thomas Kluge, Carsten Fortmann-Grote, and Michael Bussmann