Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 2: Bioimaging and Spectroscopy I
Montag, 20. März 2017, 09:30–12:45, HÜL 386
09:30 |
BP 2.1 |
Visualization and Manipulation of the Invisible — •Heinrich Leonhardt
10:00 |
BP 2.2 |
(3+1)D SIM + quantitative analysis for ophthalmologic research — •Florian Schock, Gerrit Best, Nil Celik, Yangyi Wang, Alena Bakulina, Saadettin Sel, Udo Birk, Rainer Heintzmann, Jürgen Hesser, Stefan Dithmar, and Christoph Cremer
10:15 |
BP 2.3 |
Live-cell super-resolution imaging of intrinsically fast moving flagellates — Marius Glogger, Simone Stichler, Ines Subota, Sarah Bertlein, Marie-Christin Spindler, Jörg Teßmar, Jürgen Groll, Markus Engstler, and •Susanne Fenz
10:30 |
BP 2.4 |
Coordinate-targeted fluorescence nanoscopy with multiple off-states — •Johann Georg Danzl, Sven Sidenstein, Carola Gregor, Nicolai Urban, Peter Ilgen, Stefan Jakobs, and Stefan Hell
10:45 |
BP 2.5 |
Exploring protein diffusion landscapes in living embryos with SPIM-FCS — •Philipp Struntz, Dirk Hofmann, and Matthias Weiss
11:00 |
30 min break
11:30 |
BP 2.6 |
Disentangling the effects of viscosity and refractive index mismatch in single-focus FCS — •Jonas Mücksch, Petra Schwille, and Eugene P. Petrov
11:45 |
BP 2.7 |
Investigating DNA binding kinetics by camera-based total internal reflection fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (TIR-FCS) — Jonas Mücksch, •Philipp Blumhardt, Maximilian Strauss, Ralf Jungmann, and Petra Schwille
12:00 |
BP 2.8 |
A scanning ion conductance microscope (SICM) for large-range imaging — •Nicolas Schierbaum, Martin Hack, and Tilman E. Schäffer
12:15 |
BP 2.9 |
Mapping surface charge density of lipid bilayers by quantitative surface conductivity microscopy — Lasse H. Klausen, •Thomas Fuhs, and Mingdong Dong
12:30 |
BP 2.10 |
High Resolution Imaging of Cellular Signaling Using Fluorescent Nanosensor Arrays — •Sebastian Kruss