Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 5: Single Molecule Biophysics
Montag, 20. März 2017, 15:00–17:30, HÜL 386
15:00 |
BP 5.1 |
Metal Induced Energy Transfer — •Jörg Enderlein
15:30 |
BP 5.2 |
Dynein's direction-dependent microtubule-binding strength is controlled via a tension-induced sliding of dynein's stalk helices mediated by the coiled-coil strut — Lu Rao, Florian Berger, Matthew Nicholas, and •Arne Gennerich
15:45 |
BP 5.3 |
Coiled Coils as Mechanical Building Blocks — Melis Goktas, Patricia Lopez-Garcia, Ruby M. A. Sullan, and •Kerstin G. Blank
16:00 |
BP 5.4 |
3D Light microscopy of protein structure with Angstrom resolution — •Daniel Böning, Siegfried Weisenburger, Benjamin Schomburg, Karin Giller, Stefan Becker, Christian Griesinger, and Vahid Sandoghdar
16:15 |
BP 5.5 |
Biased side-stepping enables single molecules of yeast kinesin-8 to avoid roadblocks on microtubules — Aniruddha Mitra, •Felix Ruhnow, and Stefan Diez
16:30 |
BP 5.6 |
Controling the translocation of polymers through by selective nanopore modifications — •Adwait Datar, Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi, Simone Melchionna, and Maria Fyta
16:45 |
BP 5.7 |
Single-Molecule Biophysics: The Challenge of Reproducibility — •Fabian Czerwinski, Lene Oddershede, and Oliver Otto
17:00 |
BP 5.8 |
Analytical catch-slip bond model for arbitrary forces and loading rates — •Jakob Tómas Bullerjahn and Klaus Kroy
17:15 |
BP 5.9 |
In vitro study of the regulation and the mechanism of the MKLp2 mitotic kinesin — •Amna Abdalla Mohammed Khalid, I-Mei Yu, Christoph Schmidt, and Anne Houdusse