Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 51: Microswimmers III (Joint Session BP/DY)
Donnerstag, 23. März 2017, 11:15–12:45, ZEU 250
11:15 |
BP 51.1 |
A single squirmer under gravity — •Felix Rühle and Holger Stark
11:30 |
BP 51.2 |
Chemotaxis in external fields: magnetotactic bacteria behavior — •Agnese Codutti, Stefan Klumpp, and Damien Faivre
11:45 |
BP 51.3 |
A microscopic field theoretical approach for active systems — •Francesco Alaimo, Simon Praetorius, and Axel Voigt
12:00 |
BP 51.4 |
Interface-Controlled Motility of Photoactive Microalgae in Confinement — •Tanya Ostapenko, Christian T. Kreis, and Oliver Bäumchen
12:15 |
BP 51.5 |
Dynamics of spheroidal squirmers in Poiseuille flow — •Hemalatha Annepu, Mario Theers, Gerhard Gompper, and Roland G. Winkler
12:30 |
BP 51.6 |
Interaction of 3D amoeboid swimmer with a wall — •Mohd Suhail Rizvi, Alexandr Farutin, and Chaouqi Misbah