Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
CPP 17: Poster: Polymer Networks and Dynamics
Montag, 20. März 2017, 18:30–21:00, P1C
18:30 |
CPP 17.1 |
Shear deformation of model networks: A Monte-Carlo-Study — •Toni Müller, Michael Lang, and Jens-Uwe Sommer
18:30 |
CPP 17.2 |
Theoretical and experimental investigations of sealing systems — •Felix Senf, Robin Fonk, Sean Schneeweiß, Ulrich Simon, and Othmar Marti
18:30 |
CPP 17.3 |
Low-frequency dynamics of anisotropic magneto-sensitive elastomers — Dmytro Ivaneyko, •Vladimir Toshchevikov, and Marina Saphiannikova
18:30 |
CPP 17.4 |
FORC measurements in magnetic elastomers using molecular dynamic simulations — •Alla Dobroserdova, Pedro Antonio Sanchez Romero, Julia Linke, Thomas Gundermann, Sofia Kantorovich, and Stefan Odenbach
18:30 |
CPP 17.5 |
Nitrogen-doped graphene as an alternative to eco-toxic zinc oxide in rubbers — Yulia Glebova, •Nikolai Severin, Vladimir Shershnev, and Jürgen P. Rabe
18:30 |
CPP 17.6 |
Topological interactions in polymers under shear — Maciej Kawecki, Franz Adlmann, Philipp Gutfreund, Sudipta Gupta, Peter Falus, David Uhrig, and •Max Wolff
18:30 |
CPP 17.7 |
Thermal, collective and self-diffusion of linear and cross-linked PMMA — •Bastian Pur, Werner Köhler, Martin Schneider, Klaus Huber, Alexei F. Privalov, and Max Schäfer
18:30 |
CPP 17.8 |
Influence of Structure on the Slip Boundary Condition of Polymeric Liquids: Experiments and MD-Simulations — •Mischa Klos, Laurent Joly, Sebastian Backes, Sascha Thieltges, Kirstin Kochems, and Karin Jacobs
18:30 |
CPP 17.9 |
Non-monotonic effect of small molecules on the glass transition temperature of entangled polymers — •Elias Mahmoudinezhad and Fathollah Varnik
18:30 |
CPP 17.10 |
Simulation study of a PMMA chain with azobenzene side groups near a silica surface — •Markus Koch and Olga Guskova