18:30 |
CPP 18.1 |
Entropic interactions between dendrimers and linear chains in solution — •Martin Wengenmayr, Ron Dockhorn, and Jens-Uwe Sommer
18:30 |
CPP 18.2 |
DCMIX3b: First results from microgravity experiments on the ISS — •Thomas Triller and Werner Köhler
18:30 |
CPP 18.3 |
Optical contrast factor measurements of ternary mixtures with a multi-wavelength Michelson interferometer — •Marcel Schraml and Werner Köhler
18:30 |
CPP 18.4 |
Influence of added crosslinker on the kinetics of LLPS studied by USAXS — •Richard Schäufele, Stefano Da Vela, Johannes Möller, Fajun Zhang, and Frank Schreiber
18:30 |
CPP 18.5 |
Characterization of Marangoni convections in microchannel structures — •Daniel Zapf, Michael Orlishausen, Lorentz Butzhammer, and Werner Köhler
18:30 |
CPP 18.6 |
Binding probability model for protein cluster formation in aqueous solution — •Michal K. Braun, Marco Grimaldo, Felix Roosen-Runge, Tilo Seydel, Fajun Zhang, and Frank Schreiber
18:30 |
CPP 18.7 |
Influence of poly(ethylene glycol) chain length on ionic w/o microemulsions — •Ann-Kathrin Grefe, Alexander Matt, and Bernd Stühn
18:30 |
CPP 18.8 |
Investigation of dynamical properties of a simple patchy particle model by Monte Carlo simulations — •Marc Habiger, Johannes Bleibel, and Martin Oettel
18:30 |
CPP 18.9 |
Cosolvent Effects on Protein Phase Behavior — •Jan Hansen, Florian Platten, and Stefan U. Egelhaaf
18:30 |
CPP 18.10 |
Phase behavior of dense lysozyme and nanoparticle solutions — •Julian Schulze, Nico König, Karin Julius, Steffen Bieder, Michael Paulus, Julia Nase, Metin Tolan, and Roland Winter
18:30 |
CPP 18.11 |
Assembly of opal balls on superhydrophobic surfaces — •Lucia Baldauf and Laura Rossi
18:30 |
CPP 18.12 |
Self-assembly in solutions of designed supramolecular ferromagnetic filaments — •Ekaterina Novak, Pedro Sanchez, Elena Pyanzina, and Sofia Kantorovich
18:30 |
CPP 18.13 |
Investigations of designed supramolecular magnetic filaments of different topology — •Elena Pyanzina, Ekaterina Novak, Anna Gudkova, Pedro A. Sánchez, and Sofia Kantorovich
18:30 |
CPP 18.14 |
Structure and Dynamics of Confined Liquids Studied by an X-ray Surface Force Apparatus — •Henning Weiss, Julian Mars, Hailong Li, Hsiu-Wei Cheng, Sadhanaa Buvaneswaran, Claudia Merola, Veijo Honkimaeki, Markus Valtiner, and Markus Mezger