09:30 |
CPP 21.1 |
A Kelvin-Probe study of the electrical transport in organic semiconductors — •Karl-Philipp Strunk, Valeria Milotti, Alexander Ullrich, and Christian Melzer
09:45 |
CPP 21.2 |
Spin dynamics and spin current in a high-mobility polymer — •Thorsten Arnold, Andreas Lücke, Uwe Gerstmann, Wolf Gero Schmidt, and Frank Ortmann
10:00 |
CPP 21.3 |
Virtual screening for high carrier mobility in organic semiconductors — •Christoph Schober, Karsten Reuter, and Harald Oberhofer
10:15 |
CPP 21.4 |
Utilizing Schottky barriers to suppress short channel effects in organic transistors — •Antón F. Fernández and Karin Zojer
10:30 |
CPP 21.5 |
Direct Au-C contacts based on biphenylene for single molecule transport — •Narendra P. Arasu and Héctor Vázquez
10:45 |
CPP 21.6 |
Controlling the transport in organic electronics via self-assembled Monolayers — •Anja Förster, Sibylle Gemming, and Gotthard Seifert
11:00 |
15 min break
11:15 |
CPP 21.7 |
Electronic components embedded in a single graphene nanoribbon — •Peter Jacobse, Fabian Schulz, Adri van den Hoogenband, Marc-Etienne Moret, Robertus Klein-Gebbink, Peter Liljeroth, and Ingmar Swart
11:30 |
CPP 21.8 |
Thermoelectric thin films based on a polymer/nanoparticle nanocomposite — •Nitin Saxena, Mihael Coric, Anton Greppmair, Jan Wernecke, Mika Pflüger, Michael Krumrey, Martin S. Brandt, Eva M. Herzig, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
11:45 |
CPP 21.9 |
Modelling long-term isothermal charge decay in modified PTFE electrets — •Dmitry Rychkov
12:00 |
CPP 21.10 |
Large area three-dimensional polarization control in P(VDF-TrFE) polymer films on graphite — •Robert Roth, Martin Koch, Jakob Schaab, Martin Lilienblum, Thomas Thurn-Albrecht, and Kathrin Dörr
12:15 |
CPP 21.11 |
Significanlty enhanced charging efficiency for higher piezoelectricity in polymer ferroelectrets — •Xunlin Qiu
12:30 |
CPP 21.12 |
Tuning the Electronic Properties of 3D Covalent Organic Networks by Collective Electrostatic Design — •Veronika Obersteiner, Andreas Jeindl, Johannes Götz, Aurelie Perveaux, and Egbert Zojer