Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
CPP 42: Charged Soft Matter, Ionic Liquids and Polyions I
Mittwoch, 22. März 2017, 15:00–18:00, ZEU 114
15:00 |
CPP 42.1 |
Reactivity and structure of NaOH solutions from neural-network-based simulations — •Matti Hellström and Jörg Behler
15:15 |
CPP 42.2 |
Preferential solvation and ion association properties in aqueous dimethyl sulfoxide solutions — •Anand Narayanan Krishnamoorthy, Johannes Zeman, Christian Holm, and Jens Smiatek
15:30 |
CPP 42.3 |
Image-charge effects on the dissociation of acids at dielectric discontinuities — •Philip Loche, Alexander Schlaich, Cihan Ayaz, Senta Volkenandts, and Roland Netz
15:45 |
CPP 42.4 |
Cation-induced hydration effects cause lower critical solution temperature behavior in protein solutions — •Olga Matsarskaia, Michal K. Braun, Felix Roosen-Runge, Marcell Wolf, Fajun Zhang, Roland Roth, and Frank Schreiber
16:00 |
CPP 42.5 |
Aqueous Ionic Liquids and Their Influence on Peptide Conformations: Denaturation and Dehydration Mechanisms — •Jens Smiatek
16:30 |
15 min break
16:45 |
CPP 42.6 |
Dynamics of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids: A 1H and 19F NMR Relaxometry and Diffusiometry study — •Manuel Becher and Michael Vogel
17:00 |
CPP 42.7 |
A Coarse-Grained Model for Polyionic Liquids — •Alexander Weyman, Jens Smiatek, Markus Bier, and Christian Holm
17:15 |
CPP 42.8 |
Dielectric study on mixtures of ionic liquids — •Pit Sippel, Erik Thoms, Daniel Reuter, Alois Loidl, and Stephan Krohns
17:30 |
CPP 42.9 |
Insights on the diversity of smectic phases in ionic liquid crystals — •Hendrik Bartsch, Markus Bier, and Siegfried Dietrich
17:45 |
CPP 42.10 |
Determination of the optical constants of ionic liquids by ellipsometry — •Xia Wu, Maren Muntzeck, Teresa de los Arcos, Ignacio Giner, Guido Grundmeier, René Wilhelm, and Thorsten Wagner