18:30 |
CPP 48.1 |
On the controvercy close folds versus coils in polyethylene and the weight of evidence. — •Heinz H.W. Preuss
18:30 |
CPP 48.2 |
NMR investigations of dynamics in the different phases of semicrystalline polymers — •Mareen Schäfer, Ricardo Kurz, Martha Schulz, Anne Seidlitz, Thomas Thurn-Albrecht, and Kay Saalwächter
18:30 |
CPP 48.3 |
Molecular Dynamics simulations of deformation induced solubility of poly(ethylene oxide) in water — •Sergii Donets, Olga Guskova, and Jens-Uwe Sommer
18:30 |
CPP 48.4 |
Effects of the αc-relaxation for PEO and POM: Impact on Crystallization Process, Morphology and Reorganization Behavior — •Martha Schulz, Anne Seidlitz, and Thomas Thurn-Albrecht
18:30 |
CPP 48.5 |
Separated lamellae of HDPE solidified from melt by slow cooling. — •Heinz H.W. Preuss
18:30 |
CPP 48.6 |
Crystallization of polymers studied by combining AFM and fast scanning calorimetry — •Rui Zhang, Evegny Zhuravlev, and Christoph Schick
18:30 |
CPP 48.7 |
Formation of periodically modulated single crystals of isotactic polystyrene — •Purushottam Poudel, Sumit Majumder, and Günter Reiter
18:30 |
CPP 48.8 |
Evidence for self-organized formation of logarithmic spirals during explosive crystallization of amorphous Ge:Mn layers — •Danilo Bürger, Stefan Baunack, Jürgen Thomas, Steffen Oswald, Horst Wendrock, Lars Rebohle, Thomas Schumann, Wolfgang Skorupa, Daniel Blaschke, Thomas Gemming, Oliver G. Schmidt, and Heidemarie Schmidt
18:30 |
CPP 48.9 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
18:30 |
CPP 48.10 |
Investigating crystal-liquid interface by using fundamental measurement theory — •ShangChun Lin and Martin Oettel
18:30 |
CPP 48.11 |
The role of trivalent salts in protein nucleation and crystallization — Marcus Mikorski, Andrea Sauter, Fajun Zhang, Benedikt Sohmen, Ralph Maier, Georg Zocher, Thilo Stehle, and •Frank Schreiber
18:30 |
CPP 48.12 |
Self-assembly of Partially Fluorinated Hexabenzocoronene Derivatives in the Solid State — •Tobias Breuer, Michael Klues, Pauline Liesfeld, Andreas Viertel, Matthias Conrad, Stefan Hecht, and Gregor Witte
18:30 |
CPP 48.13 |
Generating network structures with long-range order in triblock terpolymer films by controlled solvent vapor annealing — •Karolina Korzeb, James A. Dolan, Ullrich Steiner, and Ilja Gunkel