Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DF 18: Multiferroics (DF and MA)
Donnerstag, 23. März 2017, 15:00–17:15, WIL B321
15:00 |
DF 18.1 |
THz study of the magnon spectra of BiFeO3 — •Dániel Gergely Farkas, Sándor Bordács, Dávid Szaller, Laur Peedu, Johan Viirok, Urmas Nagel, Toomas Rõõm, and István Kézsmárki
15:15 |
DF 18.2 |
Strain and electric-field mediated tuning of magnetism in self-assembled iron oxide nanoparticle - BaTiO3 composites — •Liming Wang, Oleg Petracic, Emmanuel Kentzinger, Ulrich Rücker, Alexandros Koutsioumpas, Stefan Mattauch, Markus Schmitz, and Thomas Brückel
15:30 |
DF 18.3 |
Single domain multiferroic BiFeO3 films — •Chang-Yang Kuo, Zhiwei Hu, Jan-Chi Yang, Tun-Wen Pi, Stefano Agrestini, Kai Chen, Philippe Ohresser, Arata Tanaka, Liu Hao Tjeng, and Ying-Hao Chu
15:45 |
DF 18.4 |
New multiferroic materials - oxyhalides & orthotellurates — •A. C. Komarek, L. Zhao, H. Guo, M. T. Fernández-Díaz, W. Schmidt, and L. H. Tjeng
16:00 |
15 min. break
16:15 |
DF 18.5 |
Magneto-optic and electro-optic effects in multiferroic thin films — •Simon Wisotzki, Liane Brandt, Diana Rata, and Georg Woltersdorf
16:30 |
DF 18.6 |
Collective spin excitations in polar ferrimagnet (Fe,Zn)2Mo3O8 — •Krisztián Szász, Dávid Szaller, Urmas Nagel, Toomas Rõõm, Sándor Bordács, and István Kézsmárki
16:45 |
DF 18.7 |
Magnetic excitations in multiferroic GdMn2O5 — •Sergey Poghosyan and Sergey Artykhin
17:00 |
DF 18.8 |
Simulation and investigation of polarization kinetics in polycrystalline ferroelectrics. — •Ruben Khachaturyan