09:30 |
DF 8.1 |
Topical Talk:
Room temperature skyrmions and robust metastable skyrmion states in Co8Zn8Mn4 — •Jonathan White, Kosuke Karube, Nicole Reynolds, Jorge Gavilano, Hiroshi Oike, Akiko Kikkawa, Fumitaka Kagawa, Yusuke Tokunaga, Henrik Ronnow, Yoshinori Tokura, and Yasujiro Taguchi
10:00 |
DF 8.2 |
Universal relations between electromagnetic response functions: towards a first-principles description of magneto-electric materials — •Giulio Schober and Ronald Starke
10:15 |
DF 8.3 |
Giant Rashba effect in ferroelectrics from first principles — •Louis Ponet, Urko Petralanda, Silvia Picozzi, and Sergey Artyukhin
10:30 |
15 min. break
10:45 |
DF 8.4 |
Constant-current calligraphic domain-inversion in lithium-niobate crystals — •Christoph S. Werner, Simon J. Herr, Karsten Buse, and Ingo Breunig
11:00 |
DF 8.5 |
Giant charged-domain-wall conductivity in lithium-nioabte — •Simon J. Herr, Christioph S. Werner, Cina Razzaghi, Elisabeth Soergel, Boris Sturman, Karsten Buse, and Ingo Breunig
11:15 |
DF 8.6 |
Functional electronic inversion layers at ferroelectric domain walls — •Jakob Schaab, Julia A. Mundy, Yu Kumagai, Andres Cano, Massimiliano Stengel, Darrel G. Schlom, David A. Muller, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Manfred Fiebig, Nicola A. Spaldin, and Dennis Meier
11:30 |
DF 8.7 |
Mechanically soft domain walls in hard ferroelectrics — •Neus Domingo, Kumara Cordero-Edwards, James Zapata, and Gustau Catalan
11:45 |
DF 8.8 |
Anisotropic domain wall conductivity (DWC) of neighboring 180∘ DWs in LiNbO3 single crystals — •Shuyu Xiao, Thomas Kaempfe, Yaming Jin, Alexander Haussman, Xiaomei Lu, and Lukas Eng
12:00 |
15 min. break
12:15 |
DF 8.9 |
Electric conduction and dynamics of ferroelectric domain walls in SrTiO3 — •Haijiao Harsan Ma, Daniel Kohlberger, Matthias Lange, Sebastian Scharinger, Reinhold Kleiner, and Dieter Koelle
12:30 |
DF 8.10 |
Conductive domain walls in SrMnO3 thin films under epitaxial tensile strain — •Lokamani Lokamani, Carina Faber, Peter Zahn, Nicola Spaldin, and Sibylle Gemming
12:45 |
DF 8.11 |
Local probe studies of switching and current dynamics in Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 thin films — •Philippe Tückmantel, Iaroslav Gaponenko, Stefano Gariglio, Benedikt Ziegler, Joshua Agar, Lane W. Martin, and Patrycja Paruch
13:00 |
DF 8.12 |
Enhancement of local photovoltaic current at ferroelectric domain walls in BiFeO3 — •Ming-Min Yang and Marin Alexe
13:15 |
DF 8.13 |
Reconfigurable domain wall conductance by inclination tuning — •Thomas Kämpfe, Bo Wang, Scott Johnston, Eric Y. Ma, Alexander Haußmann, Hui Hu, Zhi-Xun Shen, Long-Qing Chen, and Lukas M. Eng