14:00 |
DF 9.1 |
Wave vector dependent dielectric function and ab initio materials physics — •René Wirnata, Ronald Starke, Giulio Schober, and Jens Kortus
14:00 |
DF 9.2 |
Second-Harmonic analysis of ion-implanted LiNbO3: Effect of ion-implantation on the nonlinear susceptibility — •Kai J. Spychala, Lei Wang, Gerhard Berth, and Artur Zrenner
14:00 |
DF 9.3 |
Hopping transport of small strong-coupling polarons in magnesium doped lithium niobate — •Tobias Noerenberg, Lukas M. Eng, Simon Messerschmidt, Andreas Krampf, and Mirco Imlau
14:00 |
DF 9.4 |
A field-theoretical approach to light propagation and lasing in disordered photonic media — •Zhong Yuan Lai, Oleg Zaitsev, and Johann Kroha
14:00 |
DF 9.5 |
Rogue wave generation due to inelastic quasi-soliton collisions in optical fibers — •rudolf a. roemer, antonino savojardo, marc eberhard, and akihiro maruta
14:00 |
DF 9.6 |
Global modelling of strong-coupling carriers in lithium niobate — Simon Messerschmidt, Andreas Krampf, •Tobias Nörenberg, Felix Freytag, Mirco Imlau, Laura Vittadello, and Marco Bazzan
14:00 |
DF 9.7 |
Enhancing the sensitivity of polymeric whispering gallery mode micro-disks by structuring notches in the outer cavity rim — •Michael Remmel, Tobias Siegle, Sarah Krämmer, Carolin Klusmann, and Heinz Kalt
14:00 |
DF 9.8 |
Studying the interplay of plasmonic nanoparticles and polymeric whispering gallery mode resonators using a generalized Mie theory — •Carolin Klusmann, Steffen A. Schmid, Radius N. Suryadharma, Carsten Rockstuhl, and Heinz Kalt
14:00 |
DF 9.9 |
Properties of metal-coated polymeric whispering gallery mode resonators — •Patrick Forster, Carolin Klusmann, Jens Oppermann, Carsten Rockstuhl, and Heinz Kalt
14:00 |
DF 9.10 |
Fabrication of silicon nano-structures for dielectric laser accelerators — •Peyman Yousefi, Joshua McNeur, Martin Kozák, Florentina Gannott, and Peter Hommelhoff
14:00 |
DF 9.11 |
Sub-micrometer structuring of sapphire surface applying nanosecond IR laser irradiation — •Igor Zagoranskiy, Pierre Lorenz, Lukas Bayer, and Klaus Zimmer
14:00 |
DF 9.12 |
Modelling electrode shape deformations of a dielectric elastomer actuator with finite elements — •Philipp J. Mehner, Markus Franke, Andreas Voigt, Uwe Marschner, and Andreas Richter
14:00 |
DF 9.13 |
Water-lithium niobate interface studied from first-principles calculations — •Rebecca Hölscher, Simone Sanna, and Wolf Gero Schmidt
14:00 |
DF 9.14 |
Oxygen exchange behaviour of implanted singles crystals SrTiO3 for energy storage applications — Max Stöber, •Charaf Cherkouk, Tilmann Leiseganga, Matthias Schelter, Jens Zosel, Slawomir Prucnal, and Dirk C. Meyer
14:00 |
DF 9.15 |
Structural analysis of Ba2SiO4 thin films grown on Si(100) — •Julian Koch and Herbert Pfnür
14:00 |
DF 9.16 |
Strong field scattering from lattice defects — •Lukas Medišauskas, Ulf Saalmann, and Jan-Michael Rost
14:00 |
DF 9.17 |
Implementing conductive domain walls in LiNbO3 for optoelectronic applications in OLEDs — •Tillmann Stralka, Christian Godau, Alexander Haussmann, Thomas Kämpfe, and Lukas Eng
14:00 |
DF 9.18 |
Raman spectroscopic investigations of domains in multiferroic BiFeO3 crystals — •Jan Rix, Cameliu Himcinschi, Jens Kortus, Christian Röder, and Marin Alexe
14:00 |
DF 9.19 |
Real-time observations of ferroelectric switching by ultrafast x-ray diffraction — •Christelle Kwamen, Matthias Reinhardt, Wolfram Leitenberger, Matthias Roessle, Flavio Zamponi, Marin Alexe, and Matias Bargheer
14:00 |
DF 9.20 |
Influence of ferroelectric domain walls on the dielectric permittivity of BiFeO3 — Marek Pasciak, Pavel Marton, •Sabine Körbel, and Jiři Hlinka
14:00 |
DF 9.21 |
Giant resisitive switching by charged domain walls — •Thomas Kämpfe, Bo Wang, Scott Johnston, Eric Y. Ma, Alexander Haußmann, Hui Hu, Zhi-Xun Shen, Long-Qing Chen, and Lukas M. Eng
14:00 |
DF 9.22 |
Electrical current measurements at head-to-head domain walls in LiNbO3 — •Manuel Becker and Elisabeth Soergel
14:00 |
DF 9.23 |
Creation of ferroelectric domain walls — •Cina Razzaghi and Elisabeth Soergel
14:00 |
DF 9.24 |
Frequency analysis in scanning probe microscopy — •Sarmed Hussain and Elisabeth Soergel
14:00 |
DF 9.25 |
Time-resolved analysis of multiferroic switching in Ni3V2O8, MnWO4, DyMnO3, and TbMnO3 — Jonas Stein, •Sebastian Biesenkamp, Tobias Fröhlich, Tobias Cronert, Jeannis Leist, A Agung Nugroho, Ladislav Bohatý, Petra Becker, Navid Qureshi, Karin Schmalzl, Götz Eckold, and Markus Braden
14:00 |
DF 9.26 |
Magnetic correlations in Eu1−xHoxMnO3 (0≤ x ≤ 0.5) probed by Raman spectroscopy — •Sebastian Elsässer, Anatoly M. Balbashov, Alexander A. Mukhin, and Jean Geurts
14:00 |
DF 9.27 |
Interplay of oxygen vacancies and conductance in SrMnO3 thin films under epitaxial tensile strain — •Lokamani Lokamani, Carina Faber, Peter Zahn, Nicola Spaldin, and Sibylle Gemming
14:00 |
DF 9.28 |
Dielectric properties of the spin driven multiferroics linarite and LiCuVO4 — •Alexander Ruff, Theresa Mack, Stephan Krohns, Peter Lunkenheimer, and Alois Loidl
14:00 |
DF 9.29 |
Strong magnetoelectric coupling within ceramic core-shell structures — •Leonard Henrichs, Torsten Scherer, James Benett, Andrew Bell, Oscar Cespedes, and Christian Kübel
14:00 |
DF 9.30 |
Exchange coupling in multiferroic Bi1−xBaxFeO3/ferromagnet heterostructures — •Sven Becker, Mehran Vafaee, Mathias Kläui, and Gerhard Jakob
14:00 |
DF 9.31 |
Tuning spin and charge orders in geometrically frustrated rare earth ferrites — •Sabreen Hammouda, Thomas Müller, Jörg Perßon, and Manuel Angst
14:00 |
DF 9.32 |
Synthesis and characterization of Bi - based double perovskites — •D. E. Saavedra Mesa, J. Roa-Rojas, A. U.B. Wolter, S. Aswartham, S. Wurmehl, and B. Büchner
14:00 |
DF 9.33 |
Directional dichroism via optical para-magnetoelectric effect in high magnetic fields — •David Szaller, Daniel G. Farkas, Vilmos Kocsis, Sandor Bordacs, Urmas Nagel, Toomas Room, Bence Bernath, Hiroshi Murakawa, and Istvan Kezsmarki