Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 10: Transport: Topological Phases (jointly with DS/MA/TT)
Montag, 20. März 2017, 15:00–18:00, HSZ 304
15:00 |
DS 10.1 |
Dynamical Buildup of a Quantized Hall Response from Non-Topological States — Ying Hu, Peter Zoller, and •Jan Carl Budich
15:15 |
DS 10.2 |
Sign reversal of the quantized topological Hall effect in skyrmion crystals — •Börge Göbel, Alexander Mook, Jürgen Henk, and Ingrid Mertig
15:30 |
DS 10.3 |
Edge states and topology in finite-length single-wall carbon nanotubes — •Wataru Izumida, Rin Okuyama, Ai Yamakage, Mikio Eto, and Riichiro Saito
15:45 |
DS 10.4 |
Topological invariants in carbon nanotubes with superconducting pairing — •Lars Milz, Magdalena Marganska, Wataru Izumida, and Milena Grifoni
16:00 |
DS 10.5 |
Renormalization group approach to topological phase transitions — •Wei Chen, Manfred Sigrist, and Andreas Schnyder
16:15 |
DS 10.6 |
Fermionic topological quantum states as tensor networks — •Carolin Wille, Oliver Buerschaper, and Jens Eisert
16:30 |
15 min. break.
16:45 |
DS 10.7 |
Finite-size scaling around a topological phase transition — •Tobias Gulden, Yuting Wang, and Alex Kamenev
17:00 |
DS 10.8 |
Fractionalization of charge and energy after electron injection in 1D helical systems — •Alessio Calzona, Matteo Acciai, Matteo Carrega, Fabio Cavaliere, and Maura Sassetti
17:15 |
DS 10.9 |
Solitons in one-dimensional lattices with a flat band — •Dario Bercioux, Omjyotu Dutta, and Enrique Rico
17:30 |
DS 10.10 |
Local nature of Quantized Hall Effect — •Afif Siddiki
17:45 |
DS 10.11 |
Properties of non-abelian hierarchy states in the fractional quantum Hall effect — •Yoran Tournois and Maria Hermanns