Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 12: Focused Session: Inhomogeneous Materials for Solar Cells II
Montag, 20. März 2017, 15:00–16:15, CHE 89
15:00 |
DS 12.1 |
Topical Talk:
Defects in Chalcopyrites — •Susanne Siebentritt
15:30 |
DS 12.2 |
Growth of InGaN film and monolayer by molecular beam epitaxy — •Xinqiang Wang, Zhaoyin Chen, Xiantong Zheng, Xin Rong, Bowen Sheng, Bo Shen, Tobias Schulz, Martin Albrecht, Frank Bertram, and Jürgen Christen
16:00 |
DS 12.3 |
Investigation of Carrier Transport in CuInGaSe2 by Highly Spatially, Spectrally, and Time Resolved Cathodoluminescence Microscopy — •Mathias Müller, Martin Müller, Torsten Hölscher, Setareh Zahedi-Azad, Matthias Maiberg, Frank Bertram, Roland Scheer, and Jürgen Christen