Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 13: Phase Change/Resistive Switching
Montag, 20. März 2017, 15:00–16:45, CHE 91
15:00 |
DS 13.1 |
Towards Shot Noise Study of Hafnium Oxide Resistive Switching — •Donato Civita, Carlos Sabater, and Jan van Ruitenbeek
15:15 |
DS 13.2 |
Nonvolatile resistive switching to 10 ^6 OFF/ON resistance ratio in yttrium manganite thin films with downscaled top electrodes — •Venkata Rao Rayapati, Agnieszka Bogusz, Nan Du, Danilo Bürger, Ilona Skorupa, Stefan E Schulz, Oliver G Schmidt, and Heidemarie Schmidt
15:30 |
DS 13.3 |
Characterization of the early stages in the MBE-growth of phase change materials — •Marvin Kaminski, Marc Pohlmann, Matti Wirtssohn, Abderrafii Moktad, Peter Jost, and Matthias Wuttig
15:45 |
DS 13.4 |
Accurately controllable phase transitions in pulsed laser deposition-deposited GeTe films for multi-level memory applications — •Xinxing Sun, Andriy Lotnyk, Martin Ehrhardt, Pierre Lorenz, Jürgen W. Gerlach, and Bernd Rauschenbach
16:00 |
DS 13.5 |
Investigation of oxygen vacancy formation and migration in HfO2 from density functional theory — •Marta Gibertini, Daniel Wortmann, Gustav Bihlmayer, Shigeru Tsukamoto, and Stefan Blügel
16:15 |
DS 13.6 |
Effect of heavy ion radiation on resistive switching in HfOx based RRAM devices grown by MBE — •Stefan Vogel, S. U. Sharath, J. Lemke, E. Hildebrandt, C. Trautmann, and L. Alff
16:30 |
DS 13.7 |
Reducing variability by introduction of thin TiO2-layers into HfO2 switching cells — •Alexander Hardtdegen, Camilla La Torre, Stephan Menzel, Rainer Waser, and Susanne Hoffmann-Eifert