Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 14: 2D Materials Beyond Graphene II (jointly with CPP)
Montag, 20. März 2017, 16:00–18:30, REC/PHY C213
16:00 |
DS 14.1 |
2d Heterojunctions From Non-Local Manipulation of the Interactions: Single and Two-Particle Properties — •Christina Steinke, Daniel Mourad, Malte Rösner, Michael Lorke, Christopher Gies, Frank Jahnke, Gerd Czycholl, and Tim Oliver Wehling
16:15 |
DS 14.2 |
Growth of Ge and Si on the monolayer silicene on Ag(111) — •Deng-Sung Lin and Han-De Chen
16:30 |
DS 14.3 |
Direct observation of the conduction bands of single-layer WS2 on Au(111) — •Philipp Eickholt, Marcel Holtmann, Charlotte Sanders, Philip Hofmann, and Markus Donath
16:45 |
DS 14.4 |
Study of the anisotropic electronic structure of ReSe2 — •Ph. Eickholt, C. Langenkämper, K. Miyamoto, E.F. Schwier, J. Noky, M. Drüppel, P. Krüger, M. Rohlfing, and M. Donath
17:00 |
DS 14.5 |
Second-harmonic imaging microscopy: a powerful tool for time-resolved investigation of electron dynamics in TMDC heterostructures — •Jonas Zimmermann, Gerson Mette, and Ulrich Höfer
17:15 |
DS 14.6 |
Electrostatically tuned 2D Heterostructures — •Christian Winkler, Shashank S. Harivyasi, and Egbert Zojer
17:30 |
DS 14.7 |
Structure determination of silicene nanoribbons on Ag(110) — •Philipp Espeter, Christoph Keutner, Nils Fabian Kleimeier, Peter Roese, Karim Shamout, Gabi Wenzel, Ulf Berges, Helmut Zacharias, and Carsten Westphal
17:45 |
DS 14.8 |
Angle-resolved IPE Study of Silicene Nanoribbons on Ag(110) — •Gabi Wenzel, Nils Fabian Kleimeier, and Helmut Zacharias
18:00 |
DS 14.9 |
SPM study of atomically thin MoS2 grown on HOPG via chemical vapor deposition — •Erik Pollmann and Marika Schleberger
18:15 |
DS 14.10 |
Probing the Bandstructure of MoS2 on Au(111) using Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy — •Nils Krane, Christian Lotze, and Katharina J. Franke