Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 15: Focussed Session: Frontiers in Exploring and Applying Plasmonic Systems I
(Joint Session of CPP, DS, HL, MM, and O, organized by DS)
Montag, 20. März 2017, 16:30–17:15, CHE 89
16:30 |
DS 15.1 |
Strong Coupling between Phonon-Polaritons and Plasmonic Nanorods — •Christian Huck, Jochen Vogt, Tomáš Neuman, Tadaaki Nagao, Rainer Hillenbrand, Javier Aizpurua, Annemarie Pucci, and Frank Neubrech
16:45 |
DS 15.2 |
Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy of Single Small Fine Dust Particles with Resonant Plasmonic Nanoslits — •Jochen Vogt, Sören Zimmermann, Christian Huck, Michael Tzschoppe, Frank Neubrech, Sergej Fatikow, and Annemarie Pucci
17:00 |
DS 15.3 |
The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of DS 20.2).