09:30 |
DS 19.1 |
Investigation of hybrid organic/inorganic perovskite systems and interfaces by photoelectron spectroscopy — •Selina Olthof
10:00 |
DS 19.2 |
Influence of air and water on the electronic structure of CH3NH3PbI3-xClx mixed halide perovskite film surfaces — •Maryline Ralaiarisoa, Fengshuo Zu, and Norbert Koch
10:15 |
DS 19.3 |
Modulated surface photovoltage spectroscopy of CH3NH3Pb(I,Br)3 thin films — •Celline Awino, Thomas Dittrich, Eva Unger, and Bernd Rech
10:30 |
DS 19.4 |
Revealing the impact of the potential distribution within high performing Lead Methylammonium Tri-Iodide solar cells with organic contact materials — •Christian Müller, Bernd Epding, Ramos Bwalya, Michele Sessolo, Lidón Gil-Escrig, Henk Bolink, Robert Lovrincic, and Wolfgang Kowalsky
10:45 |
DS 19.5 |
Impact of Illumination on the Electronic and Chemical Structure of Mixed Halide Perovskites — •Fengshuo Zu, Patrick Amsalem, Ingo Salzmann, Rongbin Wang, Maryline Ralaiarisoa, Stefan Kowarik, Steffen Duhm, and Norbert Koch
11:00 |
15 min break
11:15 |
DS 19.6 |
Giant Rashba Splitting in (CH3NH3)PbBr3 Organic-Inorganic Perovskite — Daniel Niesner, Max Wilhelm, Ievgen Levchuk, Andres Osvet, Shreetu Shrestha, Miroslaw Batentschuk, Christoph Brabec, and •Thomas Fauster
11:30 |
DS 19.7 |
Exploring the electronic band structure of (organo-)metal halide perovskite via photoluminescence anisotropy of individual nanocrystals — •Daniela Täuber, Mirko Goldmann, Juanzi Shi, Alexander Dobrovolsky, and Ivan Scheblykin
11:45 |
DS 19.8 |
Band Edge Engineering of Hybrid Halide Perovskites for Solar Cell Applications - Insights from Density Functional Theory — •Linn Leppert, Sebastian E. Reyes-Lillo, and Jeffrey B. Neaton
12:00 |
DS 19.9 |
Computational serach for sulphide perovskites for solar energy conversion application — •Korina Kuhar, Mohnish Pandey, Kristian Sommer Thygesen, and Karsten Wedel Jacobsen
12:15 |
DS 19.10 |
Towards a multiscale statistical description of hybrid perovskite materials — •Jingrui Li, Jari Järvi, and Patrick Rinke