18:30 |
DS 27.1 |
Effect of different sulfur environment on sulfurization of MoO3 into MoS2 nanoflakes — •Prabhat Kumar, Megha Singh, and Gade B Reddy
18:30 |
DS 27.2 |
X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies on transition metal dichalcogenide heterointerfaces — •Florian Rasch, Sage Bauers, Danielle Hamann, Gavin Mitchson, Kyle Hite, Javier Herrero-Martín, Manuel Valvidares, David Johnson, Bernd Büchner, and Jorge Hamann-Borrero
18:30 |
DS 27.3 |
Synthesis and Spectroscopy of Bismuthene — •Felix Reis, Gang Li, Lenart Dudy, Maximilian Bauernfeind, Stefan Glass, Werner Hanke, Ronny Thomale, Jörg Schäfer, and Ralph Claessen
18:30 |
DS 27.4 |
Thermodynamic stability, electronic and optical properties of graphene oxide dependence on oxidation level. — •Ivan Guilhon, Lara K Teles, Marcelo Marques, Friedhelm Bechstedt, Jürgen Fürthmuller, and Silvana Botti
18:30 |
DS 27.5 |
Low Temperature Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy on MoS2 nanoflakes on Au(111) — •Daniela Dombrowski and Carsten Busse
18:30 |
DS 27.6 |
Structural dynamics of TMDC heterostructures studied by femtosecond electron diffraction — •Daniela Zahn, Thomas Vasileiadis, Lutz Waldecker, and Ralph Ernstorfer
18:30 |
DS 27.7 |
Growth of ultrathin MoS2 films - Temperature dependency — •Vanessa Zeuner, Lukas Madauss, and Marika Schleberger
18:30 |
DS 27.8 |
Electronic Structure of surface-doped FeTe bulk crystals and epitaxial FeTe thin films on Bi2Te3 — •Fabian Arnold, Jonas Warmuth, Jan Fikáček, Matteo Michiardi, Marco Bianchi, Jan Honolka, Tim Wehling, Philip Hofmann, and Jens Wiebe
18:30 |
DS 27.9 |
Near-surface dynamics of hot carriers in 2H−MoS2: momentum-dependent relaxation and spin- and valley-polarized excitation — •Hauke Beyer, Petra Hein, Gerald Rohde, Ankatrin Stange, Marcel Behrendt, Kerstin Hanff, Lexian Yang, Kai Rossnagel, and Michael Bauer
18:30 |
DS 27.10 |
Ultra-thin Bi2Te3 films on semiconductor substrates — •Mert Taşkin and Oğuzhan Gürlü
18:30 |
DS 27.11 |
The interaction of the calcium-intercalated silicene (CaSi2 -R15) surface with a H2 molecule, a DFT study — •Pingo Mutombo, Petr Brázda, Martin Ondráček, and Lukáš Palatinus
18:30 |
DS 27.12 |
Structural modifications of 2D hexagonal boron nitride caused by ion irradiation — Lara Bröckers, •Henry Bohnen, and Marika Schleberger
18:30 |
DS 27.13 |
Nanostructuring 2D Materials by Ion Irradiation — •Andre Maas, Roland Kozubek, Lukas Madauß, Ursula Ludacka, Mukesh Kumar Tripathi, Henning Lebius, Marko Karlusic, Jani Kotakoski, and Marika Schleberger
18:30 |
DS 27.14 |
Investigation of sputter processes on metalic surfaces and 2D-Materials using Time-of-Flight mass spectroscopy — •Stephan Sleziona, Philipp Ernst, Matthias Herder, Andreas Wucher, and Marika Schleberger
18:30 |
DS 27.15 |
Influence of the Charge Density Wave Order on Quasiparticle Excitations in 2H-NbSe2 — •Eva-Maria Liebhaber, Olof Peters, Michael Ruby, Kai Rossnagel, Benjamin W. Heinrich, and Katharina J. Franke
18:30 |
DS 27.16 |
Structural analysis of PTCDA domains on an epitaxial hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) monolayer via SPA-LEED and STM — •Christine Brülke, Timo Heepenstrick, Moritz Sokolowski, and Sergey Subach
18:30 |
DS 27.17 |
Deposition of biphenylthiols on Au(111) by Electrospray Ionization — •Patrick Stohmann, Sascha Koch, Antoine Hinaut, Thilo Glatzel, Ernst Meyer, and Armin Gölzhäuser
18:30 |
DS 27.18 |
Spectroscopic Mapping and Imaging Ellipsometry applied to Conducting, Semi-Conducting and Insulating 2D-Materials — Sebastian Funke, Ursula Wurstbauer, Aleksandar Matkovic, Avery Green, and •Peter H. Thiesen
18:30 |
DS 27.19 |
Imaging Mueller Matrix Ellipsometry for the Characterization of Microstructured Anisotropic Thin-Film Samples — Matthias Duwe, Sebastian Funke, Christian Röling, •Peter H. Thiesen, Aday J. Molina-Mendoza, and Andres Castellanos-Gomez
18:30 |
DS 27.20 |
Lateral heterostructures of MoS2 and carbon nanomembranes — •Antony George, Christof Neumann, Zian Tang, Andreas Winter, Uwe Hübner, Michael Mohn, Ute Kaiser, and Andrey Turchanin