09:30 |
DS 3.1 |
Ti valence mapping in LAO/STO with resonant soft X-ray reflectometry — •Martin Zwiebler, Emiliano Di Gennaro, Jorge Enrique Hamann-Borrero, Fabio Miletto Granozio, Enrico Schierle, Eugen Weschke, Bernd Büchner, George Sawatzky, Robert Green, and Jochen Geck
09:45 |
DS 3.2 |
XPD experiments and simulation of GaAs(001)-c(8x2) — •Karim Shamout, Philipp Espeter, Peter Roese, Ulf Berges, and Carsten Westphal
10:00 |
DS 3.3 |
ARXPS study of the growth behaviour of ultrathin ionic liquid layers on metal surfaces — •Matthias Lexow, Benjamin May, Florian Maier, and Hans-Peter Steinrück
10:15 |
DS 3.4 |
Multiparamter Characterization of Subnanometre Cr/Sc Multilayers Based on Complementart Measurements — •Anton Haase, Saša Bajt, Philipp Hönicke, Victor Soltwisch, and Frank Scholze
10:30 |
DS 3.5 |
3D-Analysis of fine-grained metallic thin films. — •Ahu Öncü, Thomas Hempel, Bodo Kalkofen, Thorsten Halle, and Dana Zöllner
10:45 |
DS 3.6 |
Synchrotron radiation damage on Copper Naphthalocyanine layers — •Peter Roese, Philipp Espeter, Karim Shamout, Ulf Berges, and Carsten Westphal
11:00 |
DS 3.7 |
Real time investigation of optical properties and morphology during the co-sputter deposition of Au/Ag nanoparticles — •Deniza Chekrygina, Matthias Schwartzkopf, André Rothkirch, Ivan Baev, Pallavi Pandit, Marc Gensch, Calvin Brett, Wiebke Ohm, Bjoern Beyersdorff, Jan Rubeck, Stephan Roth, Wilfried Wurth, and Michael Martins
11:15 |
15 min. break.
11:30 |
DS 3.8 |
Reactive ion beam sputter deposition of TiO2: Influence of deposition parameters on thin film properties — •Thomas Lautenschläger, Daniel Spemann, Annemarie Finzel, Erik Thelander, Micheal Mensing, Frank Frost, and Carsten Bundesmann
11:45 |
DS 3.9 |
Properties of SiO2 films grown by ion beam sputter deposition — •Maria Mateev, Thomas Lautenschläger, Daniel Spemann, Annemarie Finzel, Michael Mensing, Frank Frost, and Carsten Bundesmann
12:00 |
DS 3.10 |
Magneto-optical polarization spectroscopy on graphene-metal interfaces in the soft-x-ray regime — •Christine Jansing, Hans-Christoph Mertins, Markus Gilbert, Maxim Krivenkov, Andrei Varykhalov, Oliver Rader, Andreas Gaupp, Andrey Sokolov, Hud Wahab, Heiko Timmers, Dominik Legut, and Peter M. Oppeneer
12:15 |
DS 3.11 |
Insights into epitaxial growth of thin film samples of the ferromagnetic shape memory alloy Fe7Pd3 — •Alina J. Bischoff, Kenneth Hua, and Stefan G. Mayr
12:30 |
DS 3.12 |
Interphase Formation and Band Bending in Organic and Inorganic Semiconductor Films Examined with Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy — •Martin Schmid, Benedikt P. Klein, Claudio K. Krug, Stefan R. Kachel, Malte Sachs, Min Chen, and J. Michael Gottfried
12:45 |
DS 3.13 |
The effect of substrate miscut in epitaxial PMN-PT thin films — •Paul Chekhonin, Michael Mietschke, Darius Pohl, Frank Schmidt, Sebastian Fähler, Werner Skrotzki, Kornelius Nielsch, and Ruben Hühne