Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 34: Organic Thin Films II
Mittwoch, 22. März 2017, 15:00–17:00, CHE 91
15:00 |
DS 34.1 |
Crystallinity and Degradability of Nano- and Microscaled Biopolymer Thin Films — Preetam Anbukarasu, Dominic Sauvageau, and •Anastasia Elias
15:15 |
DS 34.2 |
Determination of the molecular orientation in absorptive organic thin films — •Christian Hänisch, Simone Lenk, and Sebastian Reineke
15:30 |
DS 34.3 |
Interface-Controlled DNTT Thin Films: Growth, Morphology, and Temporal Evolution — •Andrea Karthäuser, Tobias Breuer, Hagen Klemm, Francesca Genuzio, Gina Peschel, Alexander Fuhrich, Thomas Schmidt, and Gregor Witte
15:45 |
DS 34.4 |
Direct photo alignment and optical patterning: Controlling molecular thin film growth on the meso-scale — •Linus Pithan, Paul Beyer, Laura Bogula, Anton Zykov, Peter Schäfer, Jonathan Rawle, Chris Nicklin, Andreas Opitz, and Stefan Kowarik
16:00 |
DS 34.5 |
Modern in situ real-time X-ray scattering and nucleation theory for an enhanced understanding of molecular self-assembly — •Anton Zykov, Sebastian Bommel, Yves Garmshausen, Linus Pithan, Paul Beyer, Gonzalo Santoro, Stefan Hecht, Jürgen P. Rabe, and Stefan Kowarik
16:15 |
DS 34.6 |
Modeling of singlet fission in weakly-interacting acene molecules — Sharareh Izadnia, David W. Schönleber, •Alexander Eisfeld, Alexander Ruf, Aaron C. LaForge, and Frank Stienkemeier
16:30 |
DS 34.7 |
Ultra-robust thin film devices from metal-terpyridine wires — •Florian von Wrochem, Maria Anita Rampi, and Wolfgang Wenzel
16:45 |
DS 34.8 |
Superradiance from two dimensional brick-wall aggregates of dye molecules: the role of size and shape for the temperature dependence — •Alexander Eisfeld, Christian Marquardt, and Moritz Sokolowski