15:00 |
DS 35.1 |
Carbon Nanomembranes (CNM) : 2D Materials Beyond Graphene — •Armin Gölzhäuser
15:30 |
DS 35.2 |
A hybrid MoS2 material for nanopore sensing: interface and asymmetry — Ganesh Sivaraman, Fabio A.L. de Souza, Rodrigo G. Amorim, Wanderla L. Scopel, Ralph H. Scheicher, and •Maria Fyta
15:45 |
DS 35.3 |
Semiconductor to Metal Transition in WS2/Ag(111) — •Charlotte E. Sanders, Maciej Dendzik, Albert Bruix, Matteo Michiardi, Arlette S. Ngankeu, Marco Bianchi, Bjørk Hammer, Jill A. Miwa, and Philip Hofmann
16:00 |
DS 35.4 |
A many-body view on the not-so-passive role of the substrate: trions and screening in transition metal dichalcogenides — •Matthias Drüppel, Thorsten Deilmann, Peter Krüger, and Michael Rohlfing
16:15 |
DS 35.5 |
Simple Screened Hydrogen Model of Excitons in Two-Dimensional Materials — •Thomas Olsen, Simone Latini, Filip Rasmussen, and Kristian Thygesen
16:30 |
DS 35.6 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:45 |
DS 35.7 |
Plasmonic Superconductivity in Layered Materials — Malte Rösner, Roelof G. Groenewald, Gunnar Schönhoff, Jan Berges, Stephan Haas, and •Tim O. Wehling
17:00 |
DS 35.8 |
MoS2 film conductivity change on periodically poled LiNbO3 substrate determined by nano-FTIR spectroscopy — •Piotr Patoka, Georg Ulrich, Peter Hermann, Bernd Kästner, Ariana Nguyen, Arne Hoehl, Ludwig Bartels, Peter Dowben, Gerhard Ulm, and Eckart Rühl
17:15 |
DS 35.9 |
Band gap transition in few-layer ReS2 investigated by photoemission k-space microscopy — •Mathias Gehlmann, Lukasz Plucinski, Slavomír Nemšák, Irene Aguilera, Gustav Bihlmayer, Pika Gospodarič, Markus Eschbach, Ewa Młyńczak, Giovanni Zamborlini, Vitaliy Feyer, Florian Kronast, Philipp Nagler, Tobias Korn, Christian Schüller, Stefan Blügel, and Claus Michael Schneider
17:30 |
DS 35.10 |
Structural Analysis of h-BN on Cu(111) — •Martin Schwarz, Manuela Garnica, Jacob Ducke, Peter Deimel, David Duncan, Ari Seitsonen, Francesco Allegretti, Johannes Barth, and Willi Auwärter