17:00 |
DS 36.1 |
Interaction of oxygen with plasma-deposited Si:N:H primer coatings — •Lisa Wurlitzer, Sebastian Dahle, and Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs
17:00 |
DS 36.2 |
Flexible, robust and conformal SERS active substrates for rapid trace detection of pesticides — •Samir Kumar and J P Singh
17:00 |
DS 36.3 |
Zig-zag silver nanorods with high density hotspots for surface enhanced Raman scattering — •Samir Kumar and J P Singh
17:00 |
DS 36.4 |
Influence of 5-Ammoniumvaleric Acide Iodide on the Stability of Methylammonium Lead Halide Perovskite Films Grown on Zinc Oxide — •Georg Dewald, Martina Stumpp, Raffael Ruess, and Derck Schlettwein
17:00 |
DS 36.5 |
Electrochemical Deposition of Porous Nickel Oxide Films as Electrodes in Electrochromic Devices and Solar Cells — •Simon P. Schneider, Christian Lupo, and Derck Schlettwein
17:00 |
DS 36.6 |
Proof of the existence of Sn3O4 through Raman spectroscopy: a combined theoretical and experimental study — •Christian Heiliger, Bianca Eifert, Marcel Giar, Martin Becker, Christian T. Reindl, Lilan Zheng, Angelika Polity, Yunbin He, and Peter J. Klar
17:00 |
DS 36.7 |
BFO based memristor as artificial synapse in machine learning circuits — •Mahdi Kiani, Nan Nu, Christian Mayr, Danio Bürger, Iluna Skrupa, Stefan Shultz, Oliver Schmidt, and Heidemarie Schmidt
17:00 |
DS 36.8 |
An element specific investigation of the disorder induced phase transition in Fe60Al40 thin films driven by ion irradiation — •Benedikt Eggert, Enrico La Torre, Alevtina Smekhova, Thomas Szyjka, Rantej Bali, Katharina Ollefs, Soma Salamon, Fabrice Wilhelm, Rudra Banerjee, Andrei Rogalev, Eugen Weschke, Jürgen Lindner, Biplab Sanyal, Carolin Schmitz-Antoniak, and Heiko Wende
17:00 |
DS 36.9 |
Spectroscopic Ellipsometry as a Method for Structural Investigation of Spinel Ferrite Thin Films — •Vitaly Zviagin, Yogesh Kumar, Paula Huth, Israel Lorite, Annette Setzer, Daniel Spemann, Karsten Fleischer, Jan Meijer, Reinhard Denecke, Pablo Esquinazi, Marius Grundmann, and Rüdiger Schmidt-Grund
17:00 |
DS 36.10 |
Bipolar heterodiodes comprising β-gallium oxide — •Peter Schlupp, Daniel Splith, Holger von Wenckstern, and Marius Grundmann
17:00 |
DS 36.11 |
Temperature dependent investigation on Pt Schottky contacts on PLD grown In2O3 thin films — •Steffen Lanzinger, Daniel Splith, Holger von Wenckstern, and Marius Grundmann
17:00 |
DS 36.12 |
Synthesis of Carbon Nanowalls from a single source metalorganic precursor — •Nicolas Wöhrl, André Giese, and Volker Buck
17:00 |
DS 36.13 |
Epitaxial growth of GeTe Phase Change Alloy on Si(111) Substrate by Pulsed Laser Deposition — •Isom Hilmi, Andriy Lotnyk, Jürgen W. Gerlach, Philipp Schumacher, and Bernd Rauschenbach
17:00 |
DS 36.14 |
Pulsed laser deposition of epitaxial Sb2Te3 thin films on Si(111) — •Isom Hilmi, Andriy Lotnyk, Jürgen W. Gerlach, Philipp Schumacher, and Bernd Rauschenbach
17:00 |
DS 36.15 |
Ruddlesden-Popper interface in correlated manganite heterostructures induces magnetic decoupling and dead layer reduction — Alexandr Belenchuk, Oleg Shapoval, Vladimir Roddatis, •Vitaly Bruchmann-Bamberg, Konrad Samwer, and Vasily Moshnyaga
17:00 |
DS 36.16 |
Electrical properties of CVD molybdenum disulfide — •wajid awan, tommy schönherr, antony george, andrey turchanin, stefan facsko, and artur erbe
17:00 |
DS 36.17 |
Direct observation of the M2 phase with its Mott transition in a VO2 film — Hoon Kim, Tetiana Slusar, •Dirk Wulferding, Ilkyu Yang, Jin-Cheol Cho, Minkyung Lee, Hee Cheul Choi, Yoon Hee Jeong, Hyun-Tak Kim, and Jeehoon Kim
17:00 |
DS 36.18 |
Performance characterization of a custom quadrupole setup for creation of an energy and mass selective hyperthermal ion beam — •Michael Mensing, Philipp Schumacher, Jürgen W. Gerlach, Stephan Rauschenbach, and Bernd Rauschenbach
17:00 |
DS 36.19 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
DS 36.20 |
Modeling of current voltage characteristics of Schottky contacts on Ga2O3 and In2O3 — •Daniel Splith, Holger von Wenckstern, and Marius Grundmann
17:00 |
DS 36.21 |
Pulsed Radiofrequency sputtering of gallium oxide — •Philipp Schurig, Angelika Polity, Peter Klar, and Martin Eickhoff
17:00 |
DS 36.22 |
Synthesis of 2D lead-free hybrid perovskites (CnH2n+1NH3BX4; B = Mn, Cu; X = Cl, Br, I) and characterization — •Irina Anusca, Adela Bronja, Martina Pantaler, Christian Fettkenhauer, and Doru C. Lupascu
17:00 |
DS 36.23 |
Investigation of the structural and electrical properties of PLD grown gallium oxide thin films on quartz glass — •Laurenz Thyen, Daniel Splith, Stefan Müller, Holger von Wenckstern, and Marius Grundmann
17:00 |
DS 36.24 |
Bismuth and antimony-based lead free double perovskites — •Martina Pantaler, Irina Anusca, Christian Fettkenhauer, and Doru C. Lupascu
17:00 |
DS 36.25 |
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) on La0.7Ca0.3MnO3: Indication for a Jahn-Teller dominated surface structure — •Sebastian Merten, Bernd Damschke, Konrad Samwer, and Vasily Moshnyaga
17:00 |
DS 36.26 |
Effect of Bi-content and Gd-doping on the multiferroic properties of BaTiO3-BiFeO3 superlattices — •Stefan Hohenberger, Michael Lorenz, Vera Lazenka, and Marius Grundmann
17:00 |
DS 36.27 |
Epitaxial growth of NiO on GaN(0001) by molecular beam epitaxy and its photocatalytic application — •Melanie Budde, Carsten Tschammer, Jumpei Kamimura, and Oliver Bierwagen
17:00 |
DS 36.28 |
Thermal Conductivity of Thin Films Determined via IR thermography — •Natalie Galfe, Anton Greppmair, Benedikt Stoib, Nitin Saxena, Caroline Gerstberger, Peter Müller-Buschbaum, Martin Stutzmann, and Martin S. Brandt
17:00 |
DS 36.29 |
Thermoelectric Characterization of Organic Thin Films — •Kiana Baumgaertner, Alexander Steeger, Florian Huewe, and Jens Pflaum
17:00 |
DS 36.30 |
Resistive switching dynamics in BiFeO3 — •Nan Du, Niveditha Manjunath, Yuan Li, Tiangui You, Danilo Buerger, Ilona Skorupa, Damian Walczyk, Christian Walczyk, Thomas Schroeder, Stephan Menzel, Eike Linn, Rainer Waser, Oliver G. Schmidt, and Heidemarie Schmidt
17:00 |
DS 36.31 |
Morphological and structural studies of perovskite layers deposited on various substrates — Mohammad I. Hossain, Mohammed I. Helal, and •Abdelhak Belaidi
17:00 |
DS 36.32 |
Effect of a moderating etching front in reactive ion beam figuring of optical aluminium surfaces — •Jens Bauer, Frank Frost, and Thomas Arnold
17:00 |
DS 36.33 |
Microstructure of pulsed-laser deposited Ge-Sb-Te phase-change thin films on surface-reconstructed silicon substrates — •Ulrich Roß, Andriy Lotnyk, Isom Hilmi, and Bernd Rauschenbach
17:00 |
DS 36.34 |
Noble gas ion-induced pattern formation on indium oxide thin films — •Hans Hofsäss, Omar Bobes, and Ronja Langendorf
17:00 |
DS 36.35 |
Comparison of pattern formation of Si and Si3N4 by N+ and N2+ ion irradiation — •Hans Hofsäss, Omar Bobes, and Lukas Janos Richter
17:00 |
DS 36.36 |
An explanation for the unusual pattern formation behavior on Ge — •Hans Hofsäss, Omar Bobes, and Kun Zhang
17:00 |
DS 36.37 |
Neon ion beam induced surface pattern formation on Si — •Hans Hofsäss, Kun Zhang, and Omar Bobes
17:00 |
DS 36.38 |
Carbon ion beam induced surface pattern formation on amorphous carbon — •Hans Hofsäss, Omar Bobes, and Kun Zhang
17:00 |
DS 36.39 |
Combinatorial approach to structural and electrical properties of (In,Ga)2O3 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition — •R. Hölldobler, H. von Wenckstern, D. Splith, J. Lenzner, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann
17:00 |
DS 36.40 |
Investigation of oxygen-degraded organometallic halide perovskite via photoluminescence and photothermal deflection spectroscopies — •Alexandra Bausch, Paul Fassl, Qing Sun, David Becker-Koch, Paul E. Hopkinson, and Yana Vaynzof
17:00 |
DS 36.41 |
In Situ Stress Analysis In Ion-Implanted GaAs — •Paul Kutza, Emanuel Schmidt, Sascha Creutzburg, and Elke Wendler
17:00 |
DS 36.42 |
Thermal Conductivity in Kesterite Crystals — •Martin Handwerg, Rüdiger Mitdank, Laura-Elisa Valle-Rios, Susan Schorr, and Saskia F. Fischer
17:00 |
DS 36.43 |
Production of fully Au-embedded 163Ho for Neutrino Mass Measurements — •Tom Kieck, Christoph Düllmann, Lisa Gamer, Leonard Winkelmann, and Klaus Wendt
17:00 |
DS 36.44 |
Protective ceramic layers deposited by chemical vapor deposition on complex 3D tools — Gregor Fornalczyk, •Sebastian Schipporeit, Frank Mumme, Friederike Deuerler, and Volker Buck
17:00 |
DS 36.45 |
Neon ion beam induced pattern formation on amorphous carbon surfaces — •Omar Bobes, Hans Hofsäss, and Kun Zhang
17:00 |
DS 36.46 |
Low temperature transport measurements of metallic nano-structures prepared by area-selective atomic layer deposition on ultrathin platinum templates fabricated with focused electron beam induced deposition — •Peter Gruszka, Giorgia Di Prima, Roland Sachser, and Michael Huth
17:00 |
DS 36.47 |
On-chip lateral anodic oxidation of titanium — •Daniela Welk, Svenja Herbertz, Thomas Heinzel, Paulus Aleksa, and Mara Zielinski
17:00 |
DS 36.48 |
Solution-processed bottom-contact metal-oxide thin-film transistors with transparent monolayer graphene electrodes — •Ersoy Subasi, Sebastian Meyer, Duy-Vu Pham, Claudia Bock, and Ulrich Kunze
17:00 |
DS 36.49 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
DS 36.50 |
Raman study of orthorombic Ga2O3 — •Daniel Zink, Marcel Weinhold, Max Kracht, Martin Eickhoff, and Peter J. Klar
17:00 |
DS 36.51 |
Sputter Deposition of Nitrogen doped ZnMgO Thin Films — •Hannes Giese, Philipp Schurig, and Angelika Polity
17:00 |
DS 36.52 |
Structural and optical investigations of Sn-doped (Ga,Al)2O3 thin films — •Anna Werner, Holger von Wenckstern, and Marius Grundmann
17:00 |
DS 36.53 |
Influence of strain on the binding energies of Rydberg excitons in Cu2O — •Sjard Ole Krüger, Peter Grünwald, Florian Schöne, and Stefan Scheel
17:00 |
DS 36.54 |
Synthesis and crystal structure characterization of W5O14 and W18O49 nanowires — •Muhammad Saqib, Maja Remskar, and Janez Jalenc
17:00 |
DS 36.55 |
Fascinating vanadium oxide nanostructured thin films for sensing applications — •Megha Singh, Prabhat Kumar, and Gade B. Reddy
17:00 |
DS 36.56 |
Plasma assisted synthesis of core-multishell nanostructured thin films — •Prabhat Kumar, Megha Singh, and Gade B Reddy
17:00 |
DS 36.57 |
angle-resolved photoemissions spectroscopy on MgGa2O4 — •Bonito Thielert, Mattia Mulazzi, Florian Titze, Christoph Janowitz, and Zbigniew Galazka