09:30 |
DS 38.1 |
Topical Talk:
Memristive devices for neuromorphic systems — •Martin Ziegler
10:00 |
DS 38.2 |
Topical Talk:
Learning in Silico: neuromorphic models of long-term plasticity — •Elisabetta Chicca
10:30 |
DS 38.3 |
Emulation of neural synchrony with memristive devices — •Marina Ignatov, Martin Ziegler, Mirko Hansen, and Hermann Kohlstedt
10:45 |
DS 38.4 |
Quantitative spectroscopic analysis of memristive thin films — •Julian Strobel, Mirko Hansen, Krishna Kanth Neelisetty, Venkata Sai Kiran Chakravadhanula, Hermann Kohlstedt, and Lorenz Kienle
11:00 |
DS 38.5 |
MemFlash: Memristive operation of MOSFETs with external capacitances — •Henning Winterfeld, Nico Himmel, Martin Ziegler, Henning Hanssen, Detlef Friedrich, Wolfgang Benecke, and Hermann Kohlstedt
11:15 |
15 min. break.
11:30 |
DS 38.6 |
Topical Talk:
Design and CMOS Co-Integration of ReRAM Devices and Crossbar Arrays for Neuromorphic Applications — •Yusuf Leblebici
12:00 |
DS 38.7 |
Topical Talk:
Neuromorphic Memristive Systems — •Bernabe Linares-Barranco
12:30 |
DS 38.8 |
Gate-tunable, normally-on to normally-off memristance transition in patterned LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces — Patrick Maier, •Fabian Hartmann, Judith Gabel, Maximilian Frank, Silke Kuhn, Philipp Scheiderer, Berengar Leikert, Michael Sing, Lukas Worschech, Ralph Claessen, and Sven Höfling
12:45 |
DS 38.9 |
Thin carbon nanotube (CNT) film networks and their memristive behaviors in cooperation with noble metal clusters — Victor Kaidas, Alexander Vahl, Sandra Hansen, Fabian Schütt, Jürgen Carstensen, Sören Kaps, Franz Faupel, Rainer Adelung, and •Heather Cavers
13:00 |
DS 38.10 |
Ion dynamics in double barrier memristive devices — •Sven Dirkmann, Mirko Hansen, Martin Ziegler, Enver Solan, Karlheinz Ochs, Hermann Kohlstedt, and Thomas Mussenbrock