15:00 |
DS 42.1 |
Femtosecond electronic response of photo-excited in situ grown Indium wires — •Mariana Chavez-Cervantes, Sven Aeschlimann, Hubertus Bromberger, Razvan Krause, Andrea Cavalleri, and Isabella Gierz
15:15 |
DS 42.2 |
Ginzburg-Landau-Langevin theory for the phase transition in In/Si(111) — •Yasemin Ergün and Eric Jeckelmann
15:30 |
DS 42.3 |
Pinning of topological solitons at extrinsic defects in a quasi one-dimensional charge density wave — •Samad Razzaq, Stefan Wippermann, Taehwan Kim, and Hanwoong Yeom
15:45 |
DS 42.4 |
Ultrafast Peierls Transition in In/Si(111) Nanowires Probed by trARPES — •C. W. Nicholson, A. Lücke, M. Puppin, L. Rettig, R. Ernstorfer, W. Gero Schmidt, and M. Wolf
16:00 |
DS 42.5 |
Tuning of 1D Plasmon properties on Si(hhk)-Au by adsorbates — •Zamin Mamiyev, Timo Lichtenstein, Christoph Tegenkamp, and Herbert Pfnür
16:15 |
DS 42.6 |
Analysis of the electronic and atomic structure of Pb/Si(557) by polarization dependent two-photon photoemission — •Abdul Samad Syed, Vesna Miksic-Trontl, Manuel Ligges, Ping Zhou, Herbert Pfnür, Christoph Tegenkamp, and Uwe Bovensiepen
16:30 |
DS 42.7 |
Spin correlations in the Si(553)-Au nanowire system — •Bernd Hafke, Tim Frigge, Tobias Witte, Boris Krenzer, Julian Aulbach, Ralph Claessen, Jörg Schäfer, and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
16:45 |
DS 42.8 |
The electronic structure of rare earth silicide nanowires on Si(001) — •Stephan Appelfeller, Martin Franz, Hans-Ferdinand Jirschik, and Mario Dähne
17:00 |
DS 42.9 |
Strain induced quasi-one dimensional structure of rare earth silicides on Si substrates — Frederic Timmer, Robert Oelke, Christof Dues, Simone Sanna, Wolf Gero Schmidt, Martin Franz, Stephan Appelfeller, Mario Dähne, and •Joachim Wollschläger
17:15 |
DS 42.10 |
Infrared Spectroscopy of Charge Carrier Excitation in Metallic Nanowires on the Atomic Scale — •Annemarie Pucci and Fabian Hötzel
17:30 |
DS 42.11 |
Functionalization of Si(553)-Au surface with hydrogen and small organic molecules — •Julian Plaickner, Sandhya Chandola, Eugen Speiser, Svetlana Suchkova, Norbert Esser, and Simone Sanna