17:00 |
DS 44.1 |
The contribution has been moved to DS 36.55.
17:00 |
DS 44.2 |
The contribution has been moved to DS 36.56.
17:00 |
DS 44.3 |
Photo absorption of adsorbed azobenzene monolayers: impact of graphene substrate — •Qiang Fu, Caterina Cocchi, Dmitrii Nabok, Andris Gulans, and Claudia Draxl
17:00 |
DS 44.4 |
Tuning excitons by 3D stacking of hexagonal boron nitride layers — •Wahib Aggoune, Caterina Cocchi, Dmitrii Nabok, Karim Rezouali, Mohamed Akli Belkhir, and Claudia Draxl
17:00 |
DS 44.5 |
Diffusion in thin films — •Max Wolff, Gunnar Palsson, Anton Devishvili, Joe Dura, and Boris Toperverg
17:00 |
DS 44.6 |
Particular electronic properties of F16CoPc: A decent electron acceptor material — •Florian Rückerl, Daniel Waas, Bernd Büchner, and Martin Knupfer
17:00 |
DS 44.7 |
Surface functionalization of WSe2 by F16CoPc — •Tom Klaproth, Florian Rückerl, Roman Schuster, Bernd Büchner, and Martin Knupfer
17:00 |
DS 44.8 |
Infrared studies of device relevant interfaces - energetic and morphological insights — •Sabina Hillebrandt, Sebastian Beck, and Annemarie Pucci
17:00 |
DS 44.9 |
Co-crystal formation and HOMO-LUMO coupling in mixtures of organic semiconductors. Diindenoperylene (DIP), sexithiophene (6T) as donors and hexafluorotetracyanonaphthoquinodimethane (F6TCNNQ) as acceptor. — •Giuliano Duva, Paul Beyer, Tino Meisel, Andreas Opitz, Alexander Hinderhofer, Alexander Gerlach, and Frank Schreiber
17:00 |
DS 44.10 |
Interface formation of Titanium and Tantalum thin films onto LiNbO3 — •Uwe Vogel, Steffen Oswald, Thomas Gemming, and Jürgen Eckert
17:00 |
DS 44.11 |
Photo-induced effects in hole-doped La1−xSrxMnO3 (0<x≤0.1) films probed by Raman spectroscopy — •Christoph Meyer, Sebastian Merten, Bernd Damaschke, and Vasily Moshnyaga
17:00 |
DS 44.12 |
Defect induced photoluminescence of tungsten di-sulfide monolayers — •Aswin Asaithambi, Roland Kozubek, Guenther Prinz, Francesco Reale, Cecilia Mattevi, Marika Schleberger, and Axel Lorke
17:00 |
DS 44.13 |
Growth of oxide microstructures by metalorganic aerosol deposition technique — •Philipp Ksoll, Hannes Gödecke, Christoph Meyer, Marius Keunecke, and Vasily Moshnyaga
17:00 |
DS 44.14 |
Relation of sample stoichiometry and growth conditions in SrCoO3− δ thin films — •Patrick Schöffmann, Sabine Pütter, Jürgen Schubert, Willi Zander, Réne Heller, Markus Waschk, Paul Zakalek, and Thomas Brückel
17:00 |
DS 44.15 |
Large area graphene on silicon by carbon ion implantation in copper and subsequent transfer — •Jan Lehnert, Daniel Spemann, Stephan Mändl, Hamza Hatahet, Aron Varga, and Bernd Rauschenbach
17:00 |
DS 44.16 |
Morphology and adsorption of organic thin films on MgO/Ag(100) — •Sabrina Pechmann, Daniel Schultheiß, and Rainer H. Fink
17:00 |
DS 44.17 |
Electrical Characterization of Silver Thin Films for Optimization of Low-Emissivity Glass-Coatings — •Julian Mertens, Roland Sittner, and Matthias Wuttig
17:00 |
DS 44.18 |
Recombination prefactor in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells — •Jȩdrzej Szmytkowski
17:00 |
DS 44.19 |
Self-Assembly of Di-lithium Phthalocyanine on Different Surfaces — •nhung n.t.t., lars s., ha n.t.n., and michael h.
17:00 |
DS 44.20 |
Microstructure and Stress Gradients in Diamond Films Revealed by Cross section X-ray nanodiffraction — •Nicolas Wöhrl, Hadwig Sternschulte, Manfred Burghammer, Juraj Todt, and Jozef Keckes
17:00 |
DS 44.21 |
In-depth analysis of nanomorphology in thin films of 6,13-dihydro-6,13-diazapentacene — •Xiaoyan Du, Lisa Müller, Nicolai Burzlaff, and Rainer H. Fink
17:00 |
DS 44.22 |
Epitaxial thin films of the high-k dielectric SrZrO3 — •Corinna Müller, Patrick Salg, Aldin Radetinac, Philipp Komissinskiy, and Lambert Alff
17:00 |
DS 44.23 |
Dopant-Drift in Organic Semiconductors in Dependence of Different Parameters — •Seon-Young Rhim, Lars Müller, Vipilan Sivanesan, Dongxiang Wang, Jakob Bernhardt, and Wolfgang Kowalsky
17:00 |
DS 44.24 |
Perforation of CVD silicon nitride by AgAl alloy formation — •Katharina Krügel, Tobias Urban, and Johannes Heitmann
17:00 |
DS 44.25 |
Ti2AlN and Ti2AlC MAX-phase synthesis by multilayered PVD coatings — •Frank Burmeister, Lukas Gröner, Eberhard Nold, Eduart Reisacher, Francesco Colonna, Alexander Fromm, Frank Meyer, and Chris Eberl
17:00 |
DS 44.26 |
Effects of Molecular Orientation in Acceptor-Donor Interfaces between Pentacene and C60 and Diels-Alder Adduct Formation at the Molecular Interface — •Tobias Breuer, Andrea Karthäuser, and Gregor Witte
17:00 |
DS 44.27 |
Combinatorial research on thin film Bi-W-Mo-O-N electrocatalysts for solar water splitting — •Mona Scherbeck, Ramona Gutkowski, Wolfgang Schuhmann, and Alfred Schuhmann
17:00 |
DS 44.28 |
The novel Kiel high flux X-ray diffractometer for heavy loads and with focusing option — •Finn Christiansen, Jochim Stettner, and Olaf Magnussen
17:00 |
DS 44.29 |
Influence of Microstructure on the Amorphous to Crystalline Phase Transition in the Phase-Change Material GST124 — •Carl-Friedrich Schön, Nikita Polin, Matthias M. Dück, Christoph Persch, and Matthias Wuttig
17:00 |
DS 44.30 |
Texture Optimization and Structure-Property Relationships in Chalcogenide Thin Films — •Matthias Maximilian Dück, Stefan Jakobs, Tobias Schäfer, Carolin Jacobi, Felix Lange, and Matthias Wuttig
17:00 |
DS 44.31 |
On the Role of the Interface on the Growth of a Stabilized Bilayer Framework System — •Alexander Mänz, Michael Kothe, and Gregor Witte
17:00 |
DS 44.32 |
Development of a new method to probe the electronic structure of organic photovoltaic materials in a bulk heterojunction — •Vincent Lami, Paul E. Hopkinson, and Yana Vaynzof
17:00 |
DS 44.33 |
Morphological studies of Squaraine-Fullerene blend films — •Angelika Maderitsch, Oliya Sadrillaevna Abdullaeva, Matthias Schulz, Arne Lützen, Jürgen Parisi, and Manuela Schiek
17:00 |
DS 44.34 |
Investigation of Disorder Related Electrical Properties in the Pseudo-Binary Line SnTe-PbTe — •Johannes Reindl, Alexander Rochotzki, Zheng Zhen, Stefan Jakobs, and Matthias Wuttig
17:00 |
DS 44.35 |
Surface reconstruction in STO: Experimental and theoretical optical constants — •B. Katter, V. B. Zabolotnyy, C. Schüßler-Langeheine, E. Schierle, L. Dudy, O. Kirilmaz, S. Macke, M. W. Haverkort, and V. Hinkov
17:00 |
DS 44.36 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
DS 44.37 |
Combined local electrical and optical measurements of individual semiconductor nanosheets — •Andreas Kolditz, Christian Strelow, Tobias Kipp, and Alf Mews
17:00 |
DS 44.38 |
Interactions at the interface of Cobalt phthalocyanine and graphene covered metal surfaces: Influence of fluorination of CoPc — •David Balle, Malgorzata Polek, Reimer Karstens, Peter Grüninger, Hilmar Adler, Thomas Chassé, and Heiko Peisert
17:00 |
DS 44.39 |
Study of manganites with Resonant X-ray Reflectivity — •Michael Dettbarn, Volodymyr B. Zabolotnyy, Abdul-Vakhab Tcakaev, Benjamin Katter, Jorge Enrique Hamann-Borrero, Kirill Miller, Michael Zapf, Andreas Herklotz, Diana Rata, Enrico Schierle, Feizhou He, Ronny Sutarto, Kathrin Dörr, Jochen Geck, George A. Sawatzky, Michael Sing, Ralph Claessen, and Vladimir Hinkov
17:00 |
DS 44.40 |
Photoluminescence imaging of few-layer transition metal dichalcogenides — •Victor Funk, Michael Förg, and Alexander Högele
17:00 |
DS 44.41 |
Photo-Degradation studies of PDTSTzTz (KP115) for application in OVP — •Andreas Früh, Ulf Dettinger, Heiko Peisert, Hans-Joachim Egelhaaf, and Thomas Chassé
17:00 |
DS 44.42 |
Preparation of Epitaxial PMN-PT Films on Si-based Templates for Electrocaloric Studies — •Robert Kuhrt, Michael Mietschke, Christian Molin, Sylvia Gebhardt, Matthijn Dekkers, Kornelius Nielsch, and Ruben Hühne
17:00 |
DS 44.43 |
Simulating Interferometric Spectra using Multiple Matrix Methods — •Kai Alexander Schwenzfeier, Andreas Erbe, and Markus Valtiner
17:00 |
DS 44.44 |
X-Ray Reflectivity Investigation of Structure and Kinetics of Photoswitchable Lipid Monolayers — •Malte Jacobsen, Kuntal Chatterjee, Björn Haushahn, Chen Shen, Sven Festersen, Jonas Warias, Benjamin Runge, Franziska Reise, Thisbe Lindhorst, Beate Maria Klösgen, Olaf Magnussen, and Bridget Murphy
17:00 |
DS 44.45 |
Investigation of Charge Carrier Distribution in OLEDs by Means of Photoluminescent Molecular Probes — •Thomas Ferschke, Lars Jäger, Wolfgang Brütting, and Jens Pflaum
17:00 |
DS 44.46 |
Introducing band gap states in MoS2 monolayers by triangular defects — Tommy Lorenz, •André Niebur, Sibylle Gemming, Artur Erbe, and Gotthard Seifert
17:00 |
DS 44.47 |
Time-resolved THz spectroscopy on 1T-TaS2 — •Simon Lange, Lara Wimmer, Georg Herink, Kai Rossnagel, and Claus Ropers
17:00 |
DS 44.48 |
Ultrafast laser-triggered electron emission from diamond coated metal tips — •Alexander Tafel, Peter Hommelhoff, and Jürgen Ristein
17:00 |
DS 44.49 |
Improving the photovoltaic performance of hybrid photovoltaics by inorganic interfacial modification — •Yvonne J. Hofstetter, Paul E. Hopkinson, Artem A. Bakulin, and Yana Vaynzof
17:00 |
DS 44.50 |
Combinatorial Synthesis of Ni-based Nanoparticles by Sputtering into Ionic Liquids — •Christina Eberling, Gesa Zahn, Christoph Somsen, and Alfred Ludwig
17:00 |
DS 44.51 |
Understanding Epitaxial Growth of Perfluoropentacene on Graphite — •Felix Widdascheck and Gregor Witte
17:00 |
DS 44.52 |
Growth of pinholes in metal electrodes of organic pho- tovoltaic cells — •Daniel Fluhr, Burhan Muhsin, Rolf Öttking, Roland Rösch, Stefan Krischok, and Harald Hoppe
17:00 |
DS 44.53 |
3D-Analysis of InGaN-Quantum Wells — •Maximilian Ries
17:00 |
DS 44.54 |
Development of quantitative Reflectance Anisotropy Microscopy — •Timo Seemke, Eugen Speiser, Johannes Falkenburg, Maciej D. Neumann, and Norbert Esser