Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 50: Optics and Light-Matter Interaction with Excitons in 2D Materials
(Joint Session HL, DS, O, and TT, organized by DS)
Freitag, 24. März 2017, 11:15–12:15, CHE 89
11:15 |
DS 50.1 |
Enhanced light-matter interaction in graphene/h-BN van der Waals heterostructures — •Caterina Cocchi, Wahib Aggoune, Dmitrii Nabok, Karim Rezouali, Mohamed Akli Belkhir, and Claudia Draxl
11:30 |
DS 50.2 |
Spectral Focusing of Broadband Silver Electroluminescence in Nanoscopic FRET-LEDs — •Robin Puchert, Florian Steiner, Gerd Plechinger, Felix Hofmann, Christian Schüller, Tobias Korn, Jan Vogelsang, Sebastian Bange, and John Lupton
11:45 |
DS 50.3 |
Spin-flip transitions induced by time-dependent electric fields in tuned Transition Metal Dichalcogenides magnetic thin films. — •Omar Messaoudi, Julen Ibañez-Azpiroz, Hamid Bouzar, and Samir Lounis
12:00 |
DS 50.4 |
Ab-initio calculations of valley depolarization in single-layer WSe2 mediated by electron-phonon interaction — Alejandro Molina-Sánchez, Davide Sangalli, Andrea Marini, and •Ludger Wirtz