Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DY 11: Critical phenomena
Montag, 20. März 2017, 15:30–18:00, HÜL 186
15:30 |
DY 11.1 |
Temperatures are not useful to characterise bright-soliton experiments for ultra-cold atoms — •Christoph Weiss, Simon Gardiner, and Bettina Gertjerenken
15:45 |
DY 11.2 |
Testing conformal invariance in near-critical colloidal suspensions — •Hendrik Hobrecht and Fred Hucht
16:00 |
DY 11.3 |
The square lattice Ising model on the rectangle — •Fred Hucht
16:15 |
DY 11.4 |
Ensemble dependence of the critical Casimir force — •Markus Gross, Oleg Vasilyev, Andrea Gambassi, and Siegfried Dietrich
16:30 |
15 min. break
16:45 |
DY 11.5 |
Dynamical crossovers in prethermal critical states — •Alessio Chiocchetta, Andrea Gambassi, Sebastian Diehl, and Jamir Marino
17:00 |
DY 11.6 |
Integer quantum Hall transitions in random Voronoi-Delaunay lattices — •Martin Puschmann, Philipp Cain, Michael Schreiber, and Thomas Vojta
17:15 |
DY 11.7 |
Understanding population Monte Carlo simulations — •Martin Weigel, Lev Yu. Barash, Lev N. Shchur, and Wolfhard Janke
17:30 |
DY 11.8 |
Scaling theory of the Anderson transition in random graphs: ergodicity and universality — •Remy Dubertrand, Ignacio Garcia-Mata, Olivier Giraud, Bertrand Georgeot, John Martin, and Gabriel Lemarie
17:45 |
DY 11.9 |
Approximate ground states of the random-field Potts model from graph cuts and parallel tempering — Manoj Kumar, •Ravinder Kumar, Varsha Banerjee, Sanjay Puri, Martin Weigel, and Wolfhard Janke