09:30 |
DY 15.1 |
Application of a Discrete Bessel Transform on Wave Packet Dynamics in Jacobian Coordinates — •Jan-Erik Oest and Thorsten Klüner
09:45 |
DY 15.2 |
Dissipative Floquet dynamics of a laser-driven quantum optical system — •Daniel Pagel, Andreas Alvermann, and Holger Fehske
10:00 |
DY 15.3 |
Reservoir engineering using Rydberg atoms — •David W. Schönleber, Christopher D. B. Bentley, and Alexander Eisfeld
10:15 |
DY 15.4 |
Stroboscopic simulation of environmental dynamics: driven systems and full counting statistics — •Javier Cerrillo and Tobias Brandes
10:30 |
DY 15.5 |
Long-lived resonances at mirrors — •Friedemann Queisser and William Unruh
10:45 |
DY 15.6 |
A control theory approach to the Schrödinger equation — •Jeanette Köppe, Wolfgang Paul, and Wilfried Grecksch
11:00 |
DY 15.7 |
Disentangling Fubini-Study geodesics in bipartite Hilbert spaces — •Kristof Harms and Stefan Kehrein
11:15 |
15 min break
11:30 |
DY 15.8 |
Driven open quantum systems and Floquet stroboscopic dynamics — •Sebastian Restrepo, Javier Cerrillo, Victor M. Bastidas, Dimitri Angelakis, and Tobias Brandes
11:45 |
DY 15.9 |
An operational derivation of Jaynes' Principle — •Paul Boes, Rodrigo Gallego, Henrik Wilming, and Jens Eisert
12:00 |
DY 15.10 |
High-Fidelity Hot Gates for Generic Spin-Resonator Systems — •Martin J. A. Schuetz, Geza Giedke, Lieven M. K. Vandersypen, and Ignacio Cirac
12:15 |
DY 15.11 |
Quantum simulation with acoustic lattices — •Johannes Knörzer, Martin Schuetz, Eric Kessler, Geza Giedke, Lieven Vandersypen, Mikhail Lukin und Juan Ignacio Cirac
12:30 |
DY 15.12 |
Understanding errors in digital quantum simulation of fermionic systems — •Jan-Michael Reiner, Sebastian Zanker, Iris Schwenk, Juha Leppäkangas, and Michael Marthaler
12:45 |
DY 15.13 |
Untersuchung der Stabilität von Quantendynamiken — •Lars Knipschild und Jochen Gemmer
13:00 |
DY 15.14 |
Topological pumping of photons in nonlinear resonator arrays — Jirawat Tangpanitanon, •Victor Manuel Bastidas, Sarah Al-Assam, Pedram Roushan, Dieter Jaksch, and Dimitris G. Angelakis