Dresden 2017 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DY 26: Posters - Statistical Physics, Stochastic Thermodynamics
Dienstag, 21. März 2017, 18:15–21:00, P3
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DY 26.1 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
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DY 26.2 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
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DY 26.3 |
Determination of elastic constants in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble — •Dominik Lips and Philipp Maass
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DY 26.4 |
Impact of heterogeneities in power generation and transmission line admittances on power grid stability — •Matthias Wolff, Pedro Lind, and Philipp Maass
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DY 26.5 |
Machine learning quantum phases of matter beyond the fermion sign problem — •Peter Broecker, Simon Trebst, Juan Carrasquilla, and Roger Melko
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DY 26.6 |
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics in the strong coupling and non-Markovian regime based on a redefined system-environment partition — •Philipp Strasberg
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DY 26.7 |
Apparent Entropy Production in Networks with Hidden Degrees of Freedom — •Matthias Uhl, Patrick Pietzonka, and Udo Seifert
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DY 26.8 |
Dissipationless precision by counting the time spent in a state — •Somrita Ray and Andre C Barato
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DY 26.9 |
Work and Power in the Strong Coupling Regime — Martí Perarnau-Llobet, •Henrik Wilming, Arnau Riera, Rodrigo Gallego, and Jens Eisert
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DY 26.10 |
On the Role of Latent Variables in Stochastic Thermodynamics — •Jannik Ehrich and Andreas Engel
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DY 26.11 |
Percolation transition of Fortuin-Kasteleyn clusters for the three-dimensional ± J random-bond-Ising model — •Hauke Fajen and Alexander K. Hartmann
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DY 26.12 |
Phase diagram and critical phase transitions of driven granular matter in quasi 2d — •Thomas Schindler and Sebastian Kapfer
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DY 26.13 |
A Linear Programming Approach to Graph-Coloring — •Daniel Grujic and Alexander K. Hartmann
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DY 26.14 |
Multifractal finite-size scaling at the Anderson transition in the unitary symmetry class — Jakob Lindinger, Andreas Buchleitner, and •Alberto Rodríguez
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DY 26.15 |
Characterisation of the superfluid to Mott insulator transition from multifractal fluctuations in Hilbert space — •Jakob Lindinger, Andreas Buchleitner, and Alberto Rodríguez
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DY 26.16 |
Analysis of bifurcations in stochastic biological networks with few nodes — •Marc Mendler, Johannes Falk, and Barbara Drossel